Tara knew shit was about to go down when she heard Kylie across the food court. The flame haired girl was absolutely infuriated. The only thing she really knew was that someone was in deep shit. It wasn't unusual for Kylie to be throwing a fit, how Riley manages to constantly handle her is beyond the raven haired girl. The two females usually got along well considering most girls would want to rip the one in half, however when the twins split on an opinion it was usually Rye bread’s side she took. Tara tried her best not to laugh at Riley when he got pelted with food and drink. After all it was a relatively serious situation. The bff spotted the two younger Reeses watching what was going down. Oh. She could kind of guess the situation, but she'd definitely need clarification. [color=seagreen]"I'll be back. I'm going to check on my sisters."[/color] Riley said smoothly. Tara desperately wanted to help or something, but she wasn't quite sure what to do. While trying to make up her mind, the mysterious boy who had been with Rye bread spoke to her. "[color=00FFBF]- Like I just said, the name's Elliot. I don't think we've met.[/color]" To be honest, she had almost forgotten about him. She took his extended hand. [color=0b5fbd]”I'm Tara, and I don’t believe we have.”[/color] She said a bit distracted at the adult who seemed to be approaching the scene. [color=0b5fbd]”Would happen to know what exactly is going on here, or am I going to have to find out amidst the insanity?”[/color] Tara finally turned her full attention to the male with a cane. Of course her attention went to the cane. A thousand possibilities ran through her head, but it'd probably get real awkward real quick if she asked about it straight off the bat. But the question in her head still did not leave. The muscular girl focused on his face instead to change the topic in her mind. He wasn’t too bad on the eyes. A bit taller than her, dark silky hair that made her want to run her hand through it (in a non-weird way if at all possible, probably not), and dark eyes that held pain beyond her. He was definitely older than her, but hey, a little fun never hurt nobody. Tara's smile turned a bit devilish before a young lady’s bag broke. Her adorable child noticed the two when he went to help her. The raven haired female was a bit shocked at the kid's bluntness, but then again, he was a kid. She didn't mind being called a vampire by a young child, they usually make up ignorance with cuteness. [color=seagreen] "S-sorry for my kid."[/color] She seemed nervous, but Tara made sure to reassure her. [Color=0b5fbd] “It's fine, I honestly don't mind since he's such a cute kid.”[/color] She giggled. [color=palegreen]"I hope you get better Mister! and don't drink my blood Miss Vampire."[/color] The young boy called out as his mother dragged him along with her. Tara couldn't help but smile and wave back. [@lovely complex][@Snagglepuss89]