Hmmm, just to add. The appearance also details mannerisms, what your character's stance and such usually is like, armour and any personal belongings that they wear in operations. A description with a picture would be nice but not entirely necessary. And the photo doesn't have to be a man or woman in armour. You just have to detail what he/she looks in operations and out. Now, times outside of every operation, times where the team will be hanging out in the base, R&R and interaction. Taskforce Trident was newly established so your first operation is going to be with people you've known for a few hours. But you will have time for more after it. The interaction time between missions go as long as you (the common roleplayer) want it to go unless we (Fox and I) will want an operation immediately after the last. And I can't add this in because Fox is currently offline XD. Oh, I'll be adding a discord chat as well. Edit: Discord Chat for things.