Lyn was again taken aback by the Prince's boldness. She supposed he had never had to be discreet about anything; but it would take a while to get used to the way he interacted with her. "A-air of boldness? I prefer to think of it as a knight's confidence. One must be sure of oneself in order to be worthy of carrying a shield to protect others," Lyn recited, partially paraphrasing one of the guidelines that had been drilled into her at the Academy. "I confess, I'm not at all experienced with what you call, er, "playful romance"..." [i]or any kind of romance, for that matter,[/i] she added silently. "But also, I'm not quite sure as to what you're proposing," she added. "It was my understanding that we were to play as characters while around others, in order to maintain our disguise. Is that not still the case?" She flushed slightly. Lyn [i]did[/i] have an inkling about what the Prince was suggesting in that silky tone of his, but she couldn't possibly be right. What did Aidan possibly see in her that was womanly or feminine?