This is my working CS - please let me know if I'm on the right track and if there's anything important I *inevitably* missed or need to elaborate on. [hider=CS Draft][b]Name:[/b] Maya Soma [b]Nickname:[/b] Fujita (or just 'Fuji') [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Ethnicity:[/b] American [b]Rank:[/b] Sergeant [b]Role:[/b] Explosives [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Maya][img] [/img][/hider] Maya stands at 5'6'' and weighs 135 lbs. She has a solid, muscular frame and appears to be perpetually in motion, given her constant restlessness. She seems more comfortable in uniform than in civilian clothes, and she shoulders her weighty gear and armor with ease. Though she gives off an air of confidence, her often creased eyebrows reveal both focus and uncertainty, conveying her desire to prove herself within her team. She has buzzed black hair, which gives her an androgynous look. She has very harsh features, which would be intimidating if not for her propensity towards laughter. However, when she's angry or determined, her stern expression can be quite formidable. She moves with intent, not fluidity, and tends to burst her way into confrontations instead of taking a more nuanced approach. [b]In-Depth Personality:[/b] Her nickname comes from the Fujita Scale, for rating the strength of tornadoes. This said, Maya's personality can be likened to a tornado, in that she is headstrong, tough and immutable, preferring more confrontational approaches towards situations, both in life and in the field, as opposed to employing diplomacy or subtlety. Having fought stereotypes and limitations all her life, she can behave in an overly-defensive way, which makes it difficult for her to entertain various points of view. She is not a born leader, but works well within a team and often thinks two or three steps ahead - making her invaluable at covering her teammates and thinking outside the box. A downside to this ability is that she is sometimes afflicted with self-doubt. She tends to play scenarios in her head, identifying all possible outcomes, which is pragmatic, but a limitation when split-second thinking is vital. She's intelligent and puts a lot of pressure on herself. Though this means she is very self-motivated and a quick-learner, it also means she dwells too much on her mistakes. She has a healthy sense of humor, and is quick to crack a smile. Though she gives off an outward sense of optimism, she is privately prone to bouts of nihilism which, while short-lived, can make her momentarily lose sense of her goals and distance her from her teammates. [b]Character background:[/b] Maya was born in Oakland, CA and is third-generation Japanese. Raised in a broken home, Maya's mother did her best to provide for Maya and her two younger siblings. However, the weight of responsibility took a toll on her mother, and she began shirking her responsibilities, leaving many of them up to Maya. Though Maya's father was irresponsible and primarily absentee as she grew up, she admired his commitment to his career as lawyer, though the demands of his job are what contributed to the breaking up of her family. She grew to resent her mother, who she saw as weak and unassertive, and idolized her father's tenacity, though her perception of him - through her young eyes - ignored his tendency towards rage, impulsive behavior, and infidelity. Her childhood environment rubbed off her immensely, and it was during this time when she developed her combatant and obstinate qualities. She worked hard in high school and excelled in chemistry and physics. She did not make many friends, given her abrasive personality, and she found that she got along with adults more than people her own age. She had high expectations for herself, and escaped her situation at home by immersing herself in academics. She took up boxing during this time as well, gaining self-confidence. Her trainer, a female ex-Marine, become her mentor, and inspired her interest in the military. She had lofty goals of attending a prestigious university, but given her reality, she couldn't afford the expense. Instead, she enlisted in the Marines at 18, upon graduation from high school. She served for five years and worked in Explosive Ordinance Disposal. Afterwards, she took advantage of the GI Bill and attended university, earning a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, and later achieved her Master's degree at Berkeley. Given her military connections and her academic achievements, she initially sought employment with the Army Corps of Engineers, but was recruited by the FBI to train as a member of the SABT program or C-IED. However, her interest and demonstrated skills in blowing things up, as opposed to keeping things from blowing up, attracted interest from those assembling Trident. Her extensive knowledge in explosives, chemical engineering training, and her military background led her to accept the position. Though she doesn't really have a passion for politics, she's horrified by the recent attacks on non-combatants and is largely involved in counter-terrorism in order to keep civilians safe. [b]Loadout:[/b] [list] [*] Primary weapon w/ attachments: Benelli M4 Super 90, a semi-automatic shotgun that is lethal at close range. Equipped with a compensator, flash suppressor, and reflex sight. [*] Secondary w/ attachments: MP7A1, a submachine gun with default suppression. Equipped with a high capacity mag, and reflex scope. [*] Grenades: Frag Grenades [*] Gadget: Incendiary Grenades and Breach Charge [color=aqua]**By putting this CS up in the OOC for approval, you have read all of the rules and have agreed to have fun. Welcome to the RP, my friend :)**[/color] [/list][/hider]