Riley didn't say anything to her. Not a single word, not a single glance, just an empty void in his eyes as he looked past her. It reminded Kylie so much of their father... The ghost of her dad appeared in her thoughts, no longer hearing the ringtone in her ear. He was smiling and petting her long, red hair. [i]"You should stop pouting all the time, pumpkin. You look like the world's unhappiest girl."[/i] the words poured from his mouth. [i][color=salmon]"How do you know how I feel, dad? You always hated me for the things I never did. So you left me. You left [b]us[/b]."[/color][/i] his daughter argued back, venom coating her words. The world seemed to stand still when Riley abandoned his twin, paying no heed to her. No reassuring glances back to show he cared. Just complete apathy. He walked away from his sister just like her dad vanished into thin air. [color=salmon]"You hate me too, don't you...?"[/color] she whispered, barely audible against the background noise of the mall. People were saying things around her, but she couldn't hear them. Anyone gazing at the redhead saw her expression go blank and unresponsive as catatonia washed over her. Lowering the phone, she hung up, whether or not someone was speaking on the other line, and began to walk away from this hell without so much as word to those addressing her. How she would get home, she didn't know. There was nothing on her mind right now, just an overwhelming sense of sorrow entrenched with hatred and rage. [i]"Your mother and I love you so much, Kylie."[/i] [i][color=salmon]"Don't say that to me..."[/color][/i] Her body began to quiver slightly, hit by an overwhelming amount of emotions that she had tried to so hard to repress. Kylie had only cried once after their parents died, and she had tried so hard to remain strong. Riley's response had struck a cord though, and now she was doing everything possible not to breakdown in the mall. Reality seemed so distant at the moment. [color=purple]"Miss Reese, may I have a word with you?"[/color] Barring her zombie-like trudge out of the mall, a man wearing cargo pants and t-shirt approached her. What was worse though was the gun at his hip and clearly seen badge. [i]A cop.[/i] Was this it? Was she being sent off to jail for assaulting her brother? Under so much pressure, Kylie's knees gave up under her and she collapsed onto the floor, tears pouring out from her eyes. [color=salmon]"I miss my daddyyy!"[/color] the torn up mess of a woman suddenly wailed. Her hands covered her eyes as she lay prone on the ground, bawling her heart out. Her hair and her face were drenched in her sadness in a matter of moments. Sobbing and blubbering, Kylie didn't care if she was going to be arrested right now. She was too lost in her moment of darkness. Once again, the redhead was attracting more attention than necessary, her loud cries echoing through the mall. [sub][@Themerlinhawk][@lovely complex][@Emma][@BilboTheGreat][@Snagglepuss89][@Knight of Doom][@BlueAjah][/sub]