[@Jollan][@BlueAjah][@manapool1] Having momentarily lost herself in her thoughts, Morgan snaps back to reality thanks to Dremmick's bond, pausing a moment to let him finish speaking before responding. "They're not at my exact location, but I can feel Terra and Paige's magic approaching. Hmm..however, it seems like they've stopped momentarily. I'll see what could be keeping them. I'll be back as soon as I can. Unless you feel it absolutely necessary, hold back on infiltrating the enemy's AO until I've returned to your location." With that discussion over with, Morgan makes her way to her guildmates. She arrives just in time to see a green-skinned staff-wielder approach them. As she closes in, she's able to get a read on the guy just by briefly reading the expression in his eyes. If anything, the man seemed friendly. Perhaps he could even serve as a possible ally in the fight to come. "Paige! Terra! Is everything alright?" She acquires, wishing to get a better assessment of the current situation before she takes any drastic measures towards this mystery man.