[center][h3]Dariya[/h3][/center] "Yay! I got new friends! Nice meeting you Julia!" Dariya answered energetically, a grin as wide as kid who had obtained free access to a jar of cookies. [i]Hook, line and sinker. You shall be useful, Julia.[/i] She thought inwardly, as she stood perfectly still, waiting for the deal to be sealed with the bodyparts the petite magical girl had so much fixation on. And then an interruption. Dariya's gaze turned towards another girl who was pointing and yelling. Still with a composed face, her eyes slightly narrowed. [i]Oh no. Nonononononono.[/i] She added as she saw an older girl in a magical girl costume similar to Julia pointed to her, claiming about royalties. [i]That delusional wreck's claims might ruin everything by upsetting Julia[/i] Her fist clenched tightly as she quickly hid it behind her back. And then another magical girl, named Kei, whose attire was a barroque mashup of a nerdy girl and tryhard fashion diehard introduced herself. Was that lawn quote from an action flick? Dariya suspected so. Turf claims, huh. Well, it was not surprising. Unexpected, but not surprising. Magical girls were still humans and trash, so something as petty as turfs was bound to appear and happen. No matter. Dariya just kept calm and composed. She had to keep her act of being utterly harmless believable. "Well met, Kei. Mary. Also, this lawn needs more...care? I mean, it's only concrete... Ah no, I think spotted a bad weed on a crevice. I can help tending the garden as well! I am useful! See, Julia! I help!" She added, falling on the ditzy characterization once more. Her eyes rest on Mary. "Um, I might be wrong and a stupid Dariya, but I don't think you can claim royalties on something you don't choose to begin with? Cause, the disguise kinda plopped like this in my case. If I could choose, I'd have treated my puppies better." Dariya added as she addressed Julia once more. "Julia's red dress is cuter, by the way." She added by flopping on top of Julia in a somewhat motherly hug, her chest embracing Julia's head and neck. "My cute boss. And you guys will stop picking on her, or I'll ... I'll have to sternly reprehend you." She said, reinforcing her words a rather mockery of a frowny face which looked more like someone eating sour lemons rather than being threatening. "We're the strawberry gang, bitches." She added. [i]Badass 0 % Idiotic 100% Nailed it.[/i] Dariya thought to herself.