Roland was short of words as he heard the unknown huntress scream that someone should shot the great Jaggi in the face! Does she know how how a gunlance works? To simplify it, a catalyst is dragging the oxygen from the air and gathers it inside chambers which are crafted into the weapon. The number of chambers being the numbers of shots fired. When pulling the trigger the oxygen inside the chamber gets released and ignited via a spark the gas will forcefully expand, leading to an explosion. And when all chambers get emptied in one go, well this is what causes the huge explosion when using a gun lance. So all he did was yelling back. [color=39b54a]"Women! This a gunlance! Not a crossbow![/color]" Furthermore he was busy dealing with the smaller brood. He was too far away to land land a decent shot but the tides of the battle were shifting, he saw Remark creating a small opening for Jacque and him. Jacque would earn the honor to slay the monster and with that weapon, it would be rather easy for him to deal the final blow. It was only a short gap Reema created but enough for Roland to act as well. The gun Lance snapped open as the chambers recharged with fresh air as he jumped behind the group of Jaggi which Reema was pushing towards him. A sharp sound mixed into the battling noise as the gun Lance prepared his ultimate attack. Roland steadied his stand and held the weapon with both hands, his shoulders relaxed to take the recoil. [color=39b54a]"DOGDE" [/color] he yelled over the noise of the gun lance, just a second before it would go off. The sound and the yelling was enough to catch the attention of the Jaggis, who all turned towards Roland, their demise. What they saw was only a big fireball engulfing them completely and those who were luckily enough to be out of the range of the fire, the heat and the shock would still throw them back. The damage wasn't as bad as it looked like but it was the show, the fire, the noise which had a great effect on the monsters, if other Jaggi would try to come to aid now, even they would think twice. Roland slithered on the ground as he tried to take hold of the recoil, he managed to control the weapon and exhaled as he came to a stop. The innards of the gunlance stood wide open and glowed in a bright red as the metal tried to cool down. Roland wouldn't be able to fight effectively during that time but he hoped that it was worth it, even thou he now risked his weapon to break, he turned around to face the great Jaggi. Behind Roland was only scorched ground and crispy Jaggi to go!