[center][color=darkseagreen][b][i]Annalynne[/i][/b][/color][/center] [color=darkseagreen]Unknown Location - 248 HP 8/8[/color] [hr] She hadn’t not attacked out of any higher intuition or knowledge, or moral obligation, no, she acted the part of the hunter, and they were her prey. She moved slowly, weaving herself in and out of the battlement, observing the others in their efforts. All of their attacks however, were rendered useless against their foe. Jessabelle’s shot helped to clear only some of the smoke, but it still had allowed Annalynne to see more of the battle, and more of her enemy. They were as grotesque as they were resilient. Human in shape and size, molded and incomplete, they were things of nightmares, horror stories to get little children to obey. They were perfect for a pointless slaughter, and they were holding up against a group of well trained, seasoned warriors. It was uncertain to tell what might have happened had the group not attacked. One thing was clear though, it was as if they had moved on instinct, and of a singular mind, attacking only because -they-were attacked. [color=darkseagreen][i]I wonder if this is what the three had planned or perhaps expected. Are we playing right into their hands?[/i][/color] The thought didn’t sit too well with her. But at this point, there was nothing that could be done. She tightened her grip on her daggers, slowly moving towards an advantage. She was never the main attraction in combat situations, not that she ever minded too much. She was either hidden in the shadows, the strike that was never seen, or in team efforts she was counted on to be the scout, or the support. And while this group didn’t seem to be in much need of either, she wasn’t going to count herself out of the battle just yet. She just needed an opening. Finally, things started looking up. The girl from the other cart who had joined their conversation, Senua was her name. She had not only found their weakness, but had also struck an amazing feat by decapitation. It was a smart move, and a great way to make sure your target is dead. It wasn’t easy to sever a head from a man’s body. But this thing … this was no man. No bones to cut through or organs to splice open. Despite that though, she was sure it was no easy task, and would certainly be more difficult for one to achieve with simple daggers, no matter their enchantments. The others seemed too preoccupied with their own going ons, but they caught on quickly enough. She noticed Marcus unsheathe his sword; it was likely he saw it as well. A grin tugged at the corner of her lips as her movement quickened towards the last faceless. Perhaps she could help out, or even slay the monstrosity first. A little friendly competition never hurt. She quickly scanned her surroundings, looking for anything that may aid her in her attempt. Ideally, she needed to gain height, but there was nothing around to support her. No rocks, no trees, nothing. A grunt of frustration escaped. It was as if they had fallen into a dream, or an empty canvass, the picture only becoming complete as they finished their quest. She was sure the smoke and fog around her wouldn’t be enough to conceal her, and even if it was, these were super natural beings they were dealing with. There’s no telling what their strengths or advantages were at this moment. But she had to try something. She was hoping at the very least that she could use her speed to save her, or that someone would be not far behind had her attempt been unsuccessful. She came up close behind Nicholas and Fiona, as to cause distraction. She circled around them once before finally coming upon the dark and faceless figure that had been struck by the priestess's arrow. Ducking, as if to dodge any attack coming at her, she gripped the hilt of her poison dagger with her left hand, the blade aligning with her forearm, she swiped at its midsection as she passed. But it wouldn't have stopped there. If she was quick enough, she would have turned just afer passing him, rising to meet its gaze, the momentum in her spin adding force to her jab as she thrust her dagger into the its throat. Even if no damage was done, it would have set up a winning shot for the next move. If all went how she had hoped, she would've been able to retreat, a hit and run tactic was her best option if she was to stay alive. It would have also allowed the poison to take root, if it were to even have any effects at all. At the very least, she had made someone else's job a lot easier if they came to finish the dark matter off.