Greetings, I am Gnash a person who has been roleplaying for approximately six and a half years. Currently, I am creating a forum-site for roleplaying in the [b]Overlord[/b] universe, but it is going to have original concepts and will be customized. For those of you not familiar with Overlord: It is where you become a powerful human corrupted by darkness, the sequel is where you become the human's son. With the darkness in your body, and changing you into a monster of sorts - you can either choose to be good or evil in the first game. However, in the second game you only have the option of Domination or Destruction. Moving on, once you obtain the title of overlord you will get control of the minions at your disposal, these minions bend to your every whim and you can even sacrifice them to create a stronger set of weapons and armor with their life force. In the games, there are four different minion tribes. Browns, Reds, Greens, and Blues. The Browns are your straight-forward bashers and the backbone of the minion army. Reds are referred to as archers, possess the element of flame, and can use their powers to throw fireballs at their foes. Next up are greens, backstabbers, resistant to all forms of poison and can pretty well be considered assassins with their phenomenal stealth capabilities. Blues are the softest of the bunch, but are on a whole different level than the other tribes, as their magical capabilities allows them to revive any minion who have just fallen on the battlefield - of course, they are also the only tribe with the ability to swim. -- If you aren't interested by this, then here's a list of features I will be including in this RP, some very obvious and in he game, most are original. Make sure you read all 1,796 words, please. The Concept – Allow me to simplify it for you, your job is to become an Overlord – a boss, to put it simply. You will be doing a variety of Overlording things once you obtain the title of Overlord, such as constructing your very own Tower, Sanctuary, Shrine, Keep, Stronghold, or Realm. Every one of these things can be learned about in a dictionary, but the Realm is the most important… and will be covered later, along with constructing and upgrading. Moving on, while you are still in possession of the title of Overlord you will encounter many strange and interesting things across the entire planet, whether it be new lore, minion types, or locations. Equipment – Equipment is different that the stuff you have in your inventory, because an inventory is stuff you keep in your backpack, satchel, sheathes, or pockets. Equipment consists of items you currently have equipped and the weapon, or shield you have equipped – and your backpack or satchel. These items do not take up inventory space and if you do not have inventory space to carry these items, it will be impossible to un-equip them. Inventory – Items you currently have in your inventory, such as a secondary weapon like a dagger, health potions, mana potions, and a variety of other consumables, along with quest items and treasures recently found and not yet placed into the armory. Spawning Pits - The spawning pits utilize collected lifeforce from slain monsters, and creatures to create more minions for you to command. Sometimes, a collection of spawning pits will be required so that you can create certain types of minions. Armory – The Armory, ah yes… the Armory. It is where you can store the various weapons and armor you have created. However, personal weapons and armor are located in the personal quarters. This is the location of minion weapons and armor. As well as overall minion upgrades. Forge – This room is shared with the Armory, for convenience. The forge is where you can have your forge-master go through the trouble of forging a variety of weapons and armor for you and your master. Personal Quarters – This is your room, where your inventory items go and usually shared with the heartstone of each Overlord. Treasury – Self-explanatory, but this is where all your found treasures go to. On another note, your treasures do not simply automatically teleport to the treasury. You must assign minions to transfer supplies from the location of the treasure all the way to your main base of operations. Teleport Gates – Unlike the way you’re used to it going, these don’t just pop up anywhere you want. First you need to find a suitable location and then order the construction, which will be done in a certain amount of time. It will always cost gold for certain materials and lifeforce to power it. Servants – Servants are strong-willed individuals who are usually intelligent and have some sort of standing as a renowned individual in the world who either held a position of power and/or was a warrior at one point or another. These individuals are good guides, and it is highly recommended that you don’t kill them because you won’t get a replacement. Sometimes, these servants are simply elder minions. Slaves – Slaves are weaker willed creatures forced to work because of their lack of power, stupidity, and occasionally they are enslaved by domination magic. Portals – These portals are in reference to entirely different domains. These domains change in nature, and so do the creatures. Domains – The location of harvestable life-force, ores, gold, precious metals, crystals, magic-imbued artifacts, ancient lore. They are something along the lines of portals to another world found through ancient lore, and scientific advancement. Minion Types – Minions have a multitude of different variants. The four basic ones being: Browns, Reds, Greens, and Blues. With the progression of your home, or realm you will unlock the ability to either research, or find different varieties of minions. Heartstone – Very important, the Heartstone is the source of all your power and controls the balance between you and the rest of the world. Without you to absorb the Heartstone’s energy a great cataclysm would occur – destroying whatever part of the world it is in – within a hundred mile radius. A heartstone requires a vast amount of lifeforce to create and it is what unlocks the full-power within an Overlord. Rivalry – Not so important, rivalry is not complex – it’s when two Overlords meet on the battlefield and have different views. If they attack each other a rivalry is formed, and these two will try to destroy each other – taking heavy losses to obtain what land the opposing overlord currently has. Alliances – Teamwork, overpowered? Perhaps, perhaps not. This is what happens when two different Overlords meet on the field and decide that it’s within their best interests to form an alliance and establish trade routes, or lead well-coordinated double-powered raids on a location that they probably couldn’t have taken before. Shared Control – Shared control, shared control is when two Overlords decide to merge their forces into a single army, merging their lands and forming an unbreakable contract for any given amount of time. However, shared control isn’t as bad as it seems. You will still be able to post within topics to agree to what you are taking on a mission and both of you can take as many as your total horde/army capacity allows. The best part is when the land is merged, it is abandoned and the Overlords create a permanent bond and gain enough power by merging their Heartstones to create a Realm rather than a structure. Please note that this isn’t the only way to create a realm, simply the fastest – and the bond is permanent. Do note that if the bond is ‘severed’ by death, that the other Overlord would also die because the double-output Heartstone needs two Overlords to use as conduits. Trading – An uncommon thing, but existent nonetheless. Trading occurs between two overlords and a selfless overlord can even give another Overlord supplies when in need. Please note that a single life-force is worth fifty gold. Possession – Magical powers, yes… magical powers used to transfer the Overlord’s consciousness into the mind of a lesser minded creature to either bypass security or distract normally hostile creatures, and monsters. Evolution – Important thing, evolution is the progression of the Overlord and their minions. Evolution is somewhat artificial, because it utilizes the magic of the Heartstone to make both the Overlord and Minions stronger. Alignment – The course that an Overlord takes usually determines their alignment. If an Overlord does good deeds rather than evil ones, or if they dominate rather than destroy… an Overlord will become darker and imposing. If they stay morally pure and do not pillage and destroy for no apparent reason other than personal enjoyment, they will gain the respect of the people and receive a tax-grace for gold on a weekly. If they don’t, then they will become feared – and it will be easier to enslave creatures and monsters. Locations – The places you have found are known as realms and will receive their own forums and places within that place will receive their very own subforums. Realm – This is somewhat important. It is a realm, a place where you can safely store your heartstone with little to no threat of it ever possibly being destroyed by outworlders. It is also the location in which you can build entire cities from the ground up, filled with slaves, minions, servants, and cult-followers. Each of the people in this realm can be used for your own cause because they adore you – and some even revere you as a savior, hero, their Dark Lord, or whatever your alignment dictates you be called or considered. Audiences – When a citizen of a dominated town, or when another person in general requests your audience. These can be accepted or declined, once accepted they are added to the quest list and can be completed whenever you wish for experience, life-force, or gold rewards. Combat System – The combat system is going to be a lot more technical than simply saying that your Overlord rose his sword and lunged at someone, killing them outright. Oh yes… waaay more technical than that. You’ll be based on the power of you, as the Overlord then the power of your minions, and then you’ll have to command the minions to command certain targets or focus on a single target. This will then result in a series of difficult calculations through a randomizer and all that jazz. Mmmmhm. Please note that your stats will be structured using the method that follows: Health (100/100), Mana (50/50), Stamina (150/150), Attack Damage (Will use a range i.e. 1-10), Critical Strike Chance (Will use a percent value i.e. 10%), Command (5/5), Block (Effectiveness, dictates how much damage you negated with the block in a percent value) Tactics – Tactical combat, far more difficult than commanding yourself in a One Versus All combat situation. You will receive a value of Minion stats which are pretty well the same as yours, although a minion is extremely weak compared to their Overlord. Strategy – Multiple Formations used in all-out combat as an Overlord commands from the tower, or the front. An overlord can also station their minions at a certain location as a method of defense from rebellions and the like. Minerals – These things are used to create better armor, and the minerals you find will sometimes be more valuable than others. Magic – Utilizes mana, Magic is a powerful force that can easily change the tide of battle into your favor. Deals substantially more damage than a melee attack, but is used with a lower frequency. Skills – Utilizes Stamina in order to use special skills you learned from swordsman, constant fighting, or ancient lore. Bestiary – Creatures fought by your overlord will be placed in your Overlord’s bestiary for reference to weaknesses and bred in the dungeon for your entertainment as your slaves, or gladiators combat them. This generates gold from those who decide to watch, and the dungeon is maintained and usually watched over by a servant. Dungeons – This generates gold from those who decide to watch, and the dungeon is maintained and usually watched over by a servant. However, gladiators must be recruited or slaves must be thrown into the arena. Arena – The Arena is simple, a Player Versus Player experience where each and every Overlord duels, or bets on a fight. Betting is simple, if a target that is bet on wins, the better will have the bet doubled and the loser will lose the money they bet. Tech Tree – A tech tree varies from Overlord to Overlord to keep that ‘new armor smell’ whenever somebody decides to create a new profile, and Overlord.