[center] [h3]Captain Theo Millon[/h3] [b]Name[/b]: Captain Theo Millon [b]Race[/b]: Human Male [b]Home World[/b]: Corellia [b]Appearance[/b]: Blond Haired, approximately 5 ft. tall, generally wears standard New Republic Navy attire, Caucasian, brown eyes. [b]Training[/b]: Imperial Naval Academy, served as an officer on the Imperial Star Destroyer [i]"Resistance"[/i] before defecting to the Alliance. [b]Notable Battles[/b]: Battle of Yavin 4, Retaliatory Strike (8 Months before Defection), Battle of Endor, serving on the command ship of Admiral Ackbar [b]Bio[/b]: Theo Millon served as a Lieutenant Commander of the Imperial Class Star Destroyer [i]"Resistance"[/i] after graduating from the Imperial Naval Academy. He had wanted to serve in the Imperial Navy like his father, Admiral Edward Millon. He was serving aboard the fleet which responded to the destruction of the Death Star by assaulting Yavin 4 as the Rebels fled. Approximately 8 Months after that, he received word that his father had been killed. He received no further intel then that, and decided to search up what happened himself. He found out that his father had been secretly aiding the Rebel Alliance and Rouge Jedi who escaped from the Great Purge. He respected his father so much that he understood why he did this, and did the same. He defected from the Empire and joined the Rebellion. At the Battle of Endor he served on board the Command Ship of Admiral Ackbar, the [i]"Home One"[/i]. Some time later, he was promoted to Captain and given command of a small patrol fleet of two old MC-80 Mon Calamari Cruisers (The [i]"Crusader"[/i] and the [i]"Colossus"[/i]). He wasn't satisfied though, and wanted a third ship of his own, a Command Ship. The New Republic had scarce resources and could not spare one, however, so he went looking for his own. On patrols he would scan nearby planets for crashed/disabled Capital Ships, but wasn't finding much luck. Then, while on patrol near Dantooine, he picked up something. A massive capital ship crashed on the plains of Dantooine. He took some men and went down to investigate, finding it to be a nearly intact, but heavily damaged and degraded Venator Class Cruiser. Doing a little more searching, he found it used to be a part of his father's fleet, but it went missing in action back in the Clone Wars. He now dedicated all his time and resources to bringing it back online. It took a few months, but they finally managed to get the engines online. After a shaky but successful liftoff into orbit, they slowly trudged back to the birthplace of the Venator, Kuat. After a few more months, it was back in working order. Known as the [i]"Regardless"[/i], this would serve as Millon's Command Ship from that point onward. [b]Other[/b]: Millon loves working with old tech, especially from the Galactic Civil War and anything that predates it. He is a big fan of the Z-95 Starfighter line, and wishes he could get his hands on a few Clone Z-95s, most of which have been destroyed. He settles for constantly upgrading the design produced during the GCW. They have not seen combat yet however, but they have been tested and are fully functional. [hr] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkvca6SAA8gkLDjgnKm6NQ5v5b8yYaFG6b4HpOKLtSNdGx9f-w[/img] [i]The Venator Class Star Cruiser [b]"Regardless"[/b] just before the Battle of Dantooine[/i] [h3]Venator Class Star Cruiser [i]"Regardless"[/i][/h3] [b]Ship Name[/b]: Regardless [b]Class[/b]: Venator Class Cruiser [b]History[/b]: Commissioned 22 BBY by the Galactic Republic from Kuat Drive Yards, MIA 20 BBY after the Battle of Dantooine (Presumed Destroyed); Notable Battles: Battle of Kamino, Battle of Ord Ibanna, Battle of Mygeeto, Battle of Dantooine (Final Battle) [b]Crew[/b]: 7,400 (Engineers, Gunners, Naval Staff, Pilots), 500 Troops (Former Rebel/New Republic Troops) [b]Weapons[/b]: 8 Turbolaser Batteries, 2 Medium Dual Turbolaser Cannons, 52 Point-Defense Laser Cannons, 4 Heavy Proton Torpedo Tubes, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors, Prototype Ion Cannon (A work in progress by Millon, still not operational as of yet), Interior Auto Turret Grid [b]Squadrons[/b]: 1 Squadron (Scorch Squadron) - Z-95 Headhunter (GCW Era)(4 Per Squadron) 2 Squadrons (Ranger Squadron) (Throttle Squadron) - T-85 X-Wing Starfighter (12 Per Squadron) 1 Squadron (Matrix Squadron) - BTL Y-Wing Bomber (12 Per Squadron) [b]Other Vehicles[/b]: 12 - AAC-1 Combat Tank 6 - T4-B Heavy Tank [b]Other[/b]: The "Regardless" has been brought into the new age of battleships due to the repairs and modifications at the Kuat Drive Yards. It has enhanced shields and hyperdrive, but still uses the Old Republic Blue Cannonfire the Grand Army of the Republic was known for. It is still quite effective in battle, and is now more powerful than its descendants, the Imperial Class Star Destroyers the Empire was known for using. [h3]Other Vessels[/h3] MC-80 Liberty Class Mon Calamari Cruiser [i]"Crusader"[/i] Squadrons: (2) T-85 X-Wing Starfighter, (2) BTL Y-Wing Bomber, (2) A/SF-01 B-Wing Starfighter (Each 12 Per Squadron) MC-80 Liberty Class Mon Calamari Cruiser [i]"Colossus"[/i] Squadrons: (2) T-85 X-Wing Starfighter, (2) BTL Y-Wing Bomber, (2) RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor (Each 12 Per Squadron) CR-90 Foray-Class Corvette [i]"Yavin's Fist"[/i] Squadrons: (1) T-85 X-Wing Starfighter (12 Per Squadron) CR-90 Foray-Class Corvette [i]"Sacrifice"[/i] Squadrons: (1) T-85 X-Wing Starfighter (12 Per Squadron) [hr] [h3]Crew[/h3] [b]Name[/b]: Soti Kochiro [b]Race[/b]: Human Female [b]Homeworld[/b]: Corellia [b]Appearance[/b]: The same height as Millon, with short brown hair, and generally wearing a Pilot Suit. [b]Rank[/b]: Wing Commander [b]Role[/b]: Under Millon, she is the primary commander over the starfighter forces aboard the [i]"Regardless"[/i]. [b]History[/b]: Soti was born on Corellia, a hub for shipping and smuggling operations. Her father, former Captain of the [i]"Sarrish Pride"[/i], was forced into retirement after he sustained a back injury from Imperial Stormtroopers after they raided his ship for any illegal shipments. Yeah, he was carrying some, but they never found it. After this, he kept his freighter in dry dock until Soti was old enough to fly. At this point, Soti took over as Captain of the Pride, and would make many illegal runs to Rebel Bases across the galaxy. She held deep resentment over the Empire after what they did to her father, and would help in any way she could (while still remaining a legitimate freighter) to see their downfall. After the Emperor was killed at the Battle of Endor, she decided to join the Rebellion. Soon it became the New Republic, and she was trained in Starfighter combat by her request. She served the New Republic Navy deployed on the [i]"Home One"[/i], until she was transferred to the [i]"Regardless"[/i] and promoted to Wing Commander by Captain Theo Millon. She still has her old freighter, but she tends to use the advanced T-COM 85 X-Wing Starfighter nowadays. [/center]