[center][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/49e9/f/2015/087/9/a/flag_yugoslavia___state__alternate_history__large_by_yamalama1986-d89xfsp.png[/img] [h1]The Commonwealth of Ostružnica - December 1915[/h1] [img]http://pix.avaxnews.com/avaxnews/aa/48/000048aa_medium.jpeg[/img] [i]Commissioned Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers mass drill Ostružnican Soldiers, in Novi Kneževac.[/i] The year is 1915, amidst the chaos of the miraculous decision between Ostružnica and Soroya to embargo The Survavek Empire. Ostružnica had no shortage of tactical and strategic strategic mindsets, despite their smaller size in comparison to the many other empires in our realm. As such, it was a commonality to see public drilling, after the decision to embargo The Survavek Empire. Needless to say, they were well-sorted for a retaliation of any sort from the Survavek Empire. Ostružnican intelligence comes more in the form of wit and deduction, rather than the commonalities of scholarly intuition. [img]http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3494/3930947947_6a2e8f73f8_z.jpg?zz=1[/img] [i]An Ostružnican Police Unit performs public drills in riflery, in the Capital of Ostružnica, Novi Kneževac[/i] Roughly three decades ago, Ostružnica's rule of governing had been altered to improve governmental efficiency and insurance, whilst retaining the major cultural significance of Ostružnica: The Kralj's's Royal Family. It wasn't a grand revolution, it was more of an agreement between the royal family, and the governing ministry to switch to a constitutional monarchy. The people would decide the highest, most executive of figure, The Premijer (literally translated into, 'The Prime Minister'). Whilst, The Kralj (Literally translated to 'The King') and his family, would act as a form of internal utility and blessing, or even diplomacy. As such, the nation had been reformed for for the people, and renamed itself as the The Commonwealth of Ostružnica. While the topic of social satisfaction is prevalent, let it be known that Ostružnica took sympathy for the disgruntled revolutionaries in Osladia. In turn, they supported a mutual embargo between The Kingdom of Soroya to the Grand Survavek Empire, who supplied the governing body of Osladia. Out of some sort of executive fit of anger, or apathy for human life, The Grand Survavek Empire declared war on Soroya, and Ostružnica followed them into war as their loyal ally. [/center]