Jacque felt relief crash over him as the swarm of Jaggi he'd been trying to guide into Roland was dispersed in a flurry of blades. The large hunter may have had strength to spare, but his stamina would have only lasted him but so long if he'd continued to waste his energy on false attacks. "[b]Seems like a fair trade. The next blow is mine![/b]" Jacque roared thunderously, excitement visible on his face as he realized that he was now free to really throw his weight around. The hunter sheathed his weapon and took off like a shot while Reema and Roland did their part and kept the rest of the pack off of him. The Great Jaggi, despite being on death's door, still had a bit of fight left in it. Upon hearing the clanking of Jacque's armor as he rapidly approached, the Great Jaggi turned so that it's flanks were facing both Jacque and Elysia. Jacque drew his weapon in response to the action as he prepared for what he figured would be a standard hip check. He was surprised when the monster spun around with swiftness that could only be considered impressive considering it's grievous injuries, catching Jacque's shoulder with its massive tail as it twisted around to snap at him. Jacque grit his teeth as he felt a dull pain in his right shoulder where the tail had struck him like a metal rod. He spun with the momentum, ducking just in time to avoid having his head torn off by the monster's snapping jaws, although his helmet was knocked off when his head collided with the lower jaw. He tensed and brought his weapon high over head as he got a good view of Reema's handiwork on the Great jaggi's exposed flank. Time seemed to slow a bit for Jacque as his vision tunneled. He glanced about wildly at each visible cut, looking for a good opening. '[i]There![/i]' Jacque's mind screamed as he eyed a branch of cuts branching up from the beast's underbelly. Muscles developed over many years of labor brought the great sword down on the cluster of cuts, leaving a ragged tear in the weapon's wake as the weapon dug in, tore free, and lost sharpness all in the span of two seconds. The results were decidedly less than pretty: A gouge of blood and what Jacque could only assume to be a coil of small intestine spilled from the wound. The Great Jaggi bellowed in agony and rage before it spun around for one last attack, defiant even in it's last moments. Jacque felt a combination of intense pressure and a series of knife-like pricks in his right shoulder as the Great Jaggi's teeth sunk in. At full health the beast might have very well torn the armor and a chunk of flesh free with the action, but alas, this was not the case. The monster could only drool and hold Jacque in it's jaws, giving two or three weak shakes of its head as shock set in and its body started to give out. His weapon clenched in his right hand, Jacque found himself in need of a different weapon to finish the job. Fortunately for him, the Great Jaggi happened to be sprouting a weapon out of its head. The hunter planted his feet and reached over with his left hand, doing his best to ignore the jolts of pain that his right shoulder offered in protest. The handle of the switch axe was much too far to reach, however the blade itself was a different story entirely. Jacque gripped a portion of the weapon and pressed down with all of his strength, feeling the blade bite into his gloved hand as it penetrated the skull of the Great Jaggi. It was at this moment that he was grateful that the blade wasn't at full sharpness, after all; between the shuddering of the monster and the resistance it's skull offered to the intrusive weapon, Jacque felt as though part of his hand may have very well have been sheared off by his actions rather than simply cut open. There was a sickening cracking sound before the Great Jaggi offered up one last shudder and crumpled to the ground, bringing Jacque down with it. Tired and bloodied Jacque managed to pry his arm out of the beast's mouth, though he could do little else more besides squirm with futility as the dead Jaggi's weight pressed down on his legs.