Introducing: Kathryn Stark aka Iron Maiden [hider=Ryn Stark] Marvel Character: Iron Man [b]Name:[/b] Kathryn (Ryn) Stark [b]Identity:[/b] Public [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Team:[/b] Avengers eventually (none yet.) [b]Physical Description:[/b] Image: [url][/url] Ryn is 5’10 with long dark brown hair that falls just past her shoulders. She has deep brown eyes that are usually filled with mirth and she’s quick to smile. She has a circular arc reactor centered on her chest. This arc reactor is smaller than the traditional Iron Man arc reactor but just as powerful. She prefers casual clothes when working in her lab and tends to have her long hair pulled back into a messy bun. Ryn does have a bit of her mother’s signature style and can quite easily go from mechanic's coveralls to a high fashion show. [b]Items/Weapons:[/b] Iron Maid suit. [b]Skills:[/b] Mechanical and Electrical Engineering experience. Dabbles in programming and technology. Krav Maga experience (mostly for exercise but can definitely defend herself) [b]Powers:[/b] Ryn has no superpowers, other than being extremely intelligent. All her powers come from what she’s built into the suit. [b]Personality:[/b] Ryn is fairly easy going though she can definitely be driven when working on a project or toward a goal. Ryn easily gets lost in her work and relies on Pepper to keep her from losing herself in her work completely. Other than Pepper and JARVIS, Ryn doesn’t have many true friends, she has a hard time trusting people after a lifetime of people trying to use her for her family's connections. That said, she's quite comfortable in the spotlight and often uses humor to gain the goodwill of people. [b]Origin: [/b]After building the first super soldier suit, Ryn realized that technology like this in the hands of governments would be too dangerous. She modified the suit to work only when powered by her arc reactor to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. [b]Background history:[/b] As the late in life daughter of Howard Stark, Ryn grew up hearing of her father’s exploits long after he had passed away. Ryn was primarily raised by her mother’s staff while her mother was traveling around the world promoting her fashion line. Left to her own devices, Ryn began playing in Howard’s workshop and developed a love of all things machine. She graduated high school early and set off for CalTech where she got dual doctorate degrees in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, graduating in record time becoming one of the youngest graduates from CalTech in the university’s history. Once Ryn graduated, she went to work for Stark Industries and happily started at the very bottom in the company, working her way up through the company until she’d earned her place in the upper echelon. Her work on the original, full sized arc reactor brought her to national attention that she’d managed to evade so far. During a press conference announcing Stark Industries new weapons program Ryn was hit in the crossfire of an assassination attempt on the CEO. Though she survived the initial assault and was released to her home she was given about a month to live due to bullet fragments working their way to her heart. Ryn immediately went to work, working day and night to create a device that could keep the fragments from piercing her heart. Thus, the mini arc reactor was born. After installing the mini arc reactor with the help of JARVIS and Pepper, she began work on one of the government contracts that they had, for a soldier suit. Once she began work on it she realized that without a mini arc reactor that they wouldn’t work but since she had the item in question she could work up a prototype. Work on the suit has consumed her and it was only Pepper’s gentle influence and finally her outright demands and threats to quit that brought Ryn’s head out of her work. Ryn has recently stepped up as one of the junior executives of Stark Industries and has been working on the suit on her own time after telling them that it wouldn’t work. She’s still working on the Iron Maiden suit and testing it, hasn’t quite started saving the world yet. [/hider]