His eyes moved to her soft skin, his fingers wanting to reach out to brush along the skull. It was a dastardly sight and yet set upon the soft hues of her skin it was almost beautiful. How someone made death look inviting he couldn't fathom and yet she was doing it. Once she was placed behind him he felt the world shift, the air gain darkness and thicken to the point of uncomfort. Something was terribly wrong, but he couldn't lay his finger on what was to come. The feeling he'd been overwhelmed with earlier was one of protection for her and power from the heavens... this, this was like wet darkness oozing from the corners of hell. The threat that was hurled at him through the ether that surrounded him and he felt almost schizophrenic looking for who it might be speaking to him. His shoulders lifted and he got ready to fight whomever might be coming at the next, his mind a whirlwind of questions as to why Karia's mother would allow something to happen to her daughter. He reached back and pulled her to his back, her body pressed to his as he used his other arm to make a fist a prepare. The striking man that form from nothing was the last thing he expected and the look on the males face said that things were about to get extremely ugly for Arch. He almost felt a wave of recognition looking at the male and yet he felt fear like he'd never experience creep across his persona. Who the fuck was this and how did he get himself into these situations? Karia moved around him and he reached for her, but she was almost as scary as the male in front of him. Her mother's words that the creepy bastard was her father hit Arch a bit harder than it should've, the recognition of the two of them looking alive rushing over him. Karia's question stopped everything. Lightening goblins was a bit off, more like warriors from the realms of glory, but Arch decided now wasn't the time for corrective measures. The room dropped another twenty degrees and Arch felt himself starting to shiver at the coldness of death lingering over them. He heard the remark about himself and felt a flicker of fire in his chest. "I did nothing but protect her. Who are you and what is your purpose here?" He moved beside Karia as lightening struck outside, a large free in the front yard bursting into flames. Arch wanted to look back, but felt rather content that something of a fairy god mother had done that in his honor. "I don't think Karia is interested in what you have to say..."