[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/HPgGcZa.png[/img][/center] [hider=Endure the Crying Winds][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/2v11q7Q.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLBbxrydPxo][h3][i]"I can still hear them, you know? The people this world has taken."[/i][/h3][/url] [h1]Shinobu Kazanari[/h1] [/center] [hr] [b]Title:[/b] Nothing [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human? [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 4’8 [b]Weight:[/b] 64 lbs [b]Appearance[/b] Shinobu is stunted, scrawny, and all in all, rather eerie. Her eyes are too big, too wide, giving off a feeling more akin to anxiety than innocence. Her body too, is unnaturally still, pale skin and small, delicate hands giving the impression of a doll. Not a cute one, that would be played with and cherished, but one left to deteriorate in the attic, too scary, too uncanny, to be beloved. And Shinobu is perfectly fine with that. [b]Personality[/b] Pathetic, fearful, and self-loathing, Shinobu is someone stuck in the past, unable to forget and unwilling to move on. She holds the people in her life close to her heart, whether those memories tear her apart or reignite her soul. Always looking backwards, she misses too much of the present, and simply regrets those failures even more, a snake biting its own tail. Negative emotions, whether it be a scathing hatred of her father, or a knee-buckling fear of the monsters that she must face, come easily to her, but that is not to say that Shinobu is a pessimist. In the end, this young girl really does want to do her best, to honour her dead, to hunt down her father, to face her fears, but the world of the Crimson Sky isn’t that kind. Just wanting to do something isn’t enough, and even the greatest efforts will go unrewarded. [hider=Short Bio] They said her father was a legend, one of the few Chasers who faced Tsukuyomi and survived. They called him the Spirit Hammer, the Sun-Haired Immortal, the Vessel of God. But all Shinobu saw was a man who disappeared, leaving her mother a crumpled mess. And in this unkind world, the slightest sign of weakness would take a life. Her mother died when Shinobu was six years old, young enough to still have childish fantasies to break, but old enough to understand that he wasn’t coming. Hiding underneath the bed, too scared to breathe, all she could do was hide as her mother gave up her life. She hid, she remembered, and she hated. Another family picked her up, seeing her as an extra mouth to feed, but an extra pair of hands to help. Though still a child, Shinobu worked hard at what she could do. She salvaged usable items from other destroyed homes, her slight frame working to her advantage. She never complained about the chores heaped onto her small shoulders. She never gave in, constantly encouraged by the voice of her mother ringing in the back of her mind. Life on the outskirts was hard, but in a way, it was also rewarding. Through brushes with death, she became close with other scrap heap kiddos in the community, grouping up with them and always on the lookout for more things that could be used, recycled, sold, or eaten. She can still remember their names and their voices to this day. She can still remember their faces as their bodies bent in odd ways, becoming little snacks for hungry monsters. If she could have helped them, she would have, but Shinobu had been eleven years old, stick-thin and pale as bone. All she could do was cower, covering her ears and still failing to block out the sounds. Hating the almighty father that forsaken her mother, herself, and now, her friends. A hero? No, just a coward. She wanted him to die a thousand times over, to feel the heart-wrenching agony and the gut-crushingly helplessness. But he was not there, and she? If it wasn’t for a Chaser coming in and slaying the beast, she would have eventually died too, wouldn’t she? That Chaser took her in, assuming that she was an orphan. It took time for Shinobu to learn to speak normally again. It took longer for her to sleep and not have nightmares. And, when the shock and fear was gone, all she could do was mourn, to cry the tears that she hadn’t shed since she was six. Then, after grief came hatred. The familiar anger at herself and at her deadbeat coward of a father. It took time, of course, to reach a level in which she could barely gain admittance to Akatsuki Academy. But unlike immortals, Shinobu knew she had little time, and despite the inadequacies of her body, pushed herself over that hurdle. The first step that she took required five years of harsh training. And even then, the child knew that it wasn’t enough. [/hider] [b]Manifestation:[/b] [s]Insidious[/s] Shinobu’s Manifestation is simple. If she holds her breath, she becomes invisible, undetectable through physical or magical means, provided that she doesn’t bump into anyone or make any loud noises. If she closes her eyes as well, she becomes intangible as well, capable of walking through most physical obstructions. Any small object she holds also gains the features of invisibility and intangibility. However, there is a massive problem with this otherwise somewhat decent Manifestation power. Those who injure her in any way, whether it be accidentally swinging a sword in her direction or catching her with an AOE attack, will permanently gain immunity to the effects of Insidious. [b]Weapon: [/b][s]Remembrance[/s] A small dagger crafted from FLUX technology. Optimized for stabs, its better at piercing through armor and thick hide than one would think. There’s nothing else that’s prominent about it though, outside of being Shinobu’s first and only weapon. [b]Equipment:[/b] [s]Silver Necklace[/s] [i]Her mother’s possession. Hangs rather loosely, but is warm to the touch.[/i] [s]Aquamarine Earring[/s] [i]It hurt, piercing her earlobe, but the pain reminds her of Saita, one of her friends.[/i] [s]Black Tracksuit[/s] [i]One size too large, and makes her look even scrawnier than normal. She keeps it though, and the many patches on it shows just how much she treasures her foster father’s hand-me-downs. Still doesn’t know that the old man thought she was a boy for the first couple of months.[/i] [b]Other:[/b] Shinobu is physically inferior to most other students, both in muscle mass and height. She’d like to say that it’s because she hasn’t hit puberty yet, and because she didn’t have much food growing up, but…[/hider]