[hider=Meow] [center][img]http://wallpapersonthe.net/wallpapers/l/katana_schoolgirl_anime_schoolgirl_with_a_katana_sword_woman_sword-16056.jpg[/img][/center] [h1][center][colour=Purple]”Are you initiating a challenge?”[/colour][/center][/h1] [b]Name:[/b] [indent][i]Erys Onell (pronounced one-ell)[/i][/indent] [b]Title:[/b] [indent][i]Tiger (only by her uncle)[/i][/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent][i]Female[/i][/indent] [b]Race:[/b] [indent][i]Classed as a human, secretly a Youkai shapeshifter whose original form took that of a white tiger like creature.[/i][/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent][i]15[/i][/indent] [b]Height:[/b] [indent][i]5’6[/i][/indent] [b]Weight:[/b] [indent][i]51.2 Kg[/i][/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent][i]Erys is a not-so-typical rich girl, as she never really grew into the mentality as much as her siblings. She still speaks with a notably posh accent, to a slight degree, but past that she tends to try and act like a normal girl of her age, though sometimes she can find it quite challenging. She tends to have a hard time reading an atmosphere, which often times leads to some awkward conversations and odd encounters She is a genuinely good person, and tries not to go out of her way to do malicious things. She usually keeps a tight hold on her emotions, and is careful not to let any slip. However, if you DO manage to make her angry... Lets just say, you wouldn't want to. Also, when confronted with a battle, her mind will instantly snap into a focused mentality that is impossible to break unless the battle is over. The concentration Erys displays in these scenarios is amazing, and completely different to the amount she usally holds.[/i][/indent] [b]Short Bio:[/b] [indent][i]Erys, for the most part, has had a pretty uneventful life. Her father helps to regulate the FLUX flows with YTC, even if he doesn't actually know much about them, so she has so far lived a luxurious life - or as luxurious as one can get in the last cities. Her family is pretty damn rich, however, Erys never managed to slide into the rich mentality as others did. She never picked up their tastes, didn't have a thick accent related to only the higher class, and never found herself particularly concerned with the wealth she had. What she really wanted, above anything though, was to become a Chaser. For years, she begged her parents to get her a tutor, and for years they declined - saying it was too risky, and that they couldn't have their daughter getting hurt. However, about 2 years back, they finally agreed. They called one of her uncles to the city from a neighbouring one, and had her trained in the varying forms of combat, as well as the runic language used in her family for countless years. She was forged a weapon, and taught the different types of manifestations that usually appeared within Chasers bearing the name Onell. Now, after her years of training, she has finally enrolled in Akatsuki, so that she may become the Chaser she dreamed of becoming.[/i][/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent][i]The only other things to note about her appearance would be that she is actually heterachromic, with one eye being light blue and the other being a deep, blood red. She also has a small [url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/1c98247dcf2069e918daea11efe7fb36/tumblr_n82mvwaf2R1r7d202o6_500.jpg]birthmark[/url] on her inner left arm.[/i][/indent] [b]Manifestation:[/b] [indent][i][colour=Purple]Codex Imperium[/colour]: Codex Imperium isn't as exciting as it sounds, but is still pretty cool. Her blade is etched with symbols and runes, which are all linked to a source of FLUX. Using her ability, she can activate and manipulate the different sets of runes to create very… Interesting combinations and effects - some of which incredibly deadly. Though, the runes on her blade are not the only she can manipulate. Any set of runes following her own style, or ones she can understand, are fair game. As well, she is able to engrave the runes into virtually any surface using a small metal spike she keeps on her person. The runes can be manipulated for an approximate distance of 30 meters. [colour=SlateGray]Shapeshifting:[/colour] And, of course, thanks to her... Heritage - she is able to change her shape at will. Currently, she can only actually become the white heterachromic tiger, and grow cat ears.[/i][/indent] [b]Weapons:[/b] [indent][i]Erys can always be seen carrying her [url=http://i.ebayimg.com/19/!Buoh!Iw!mk~$(KGrHqYOKnUEvyFrzUOLBMBHdV!hr!~~_3.JPG]weapon[/url], - named Codex Imperium - a katana with a purplish tint and ornate scarbard, covered from top to bottom in indecipherable runes. These runes are magically linked to a constant supply of FLUX of all different types, and can be activated using her ability. The runes activated glow their corresponding colour, and act as a conduit for the FLUX properties to flow. It is also thought that the blade's tip can scratch virtually any surface, no matter how hard.[/i][/indent] [b]Equipment:[/b] [indent][i]Nothing of special mention, besides a card(?) connecting to her personal bank account (if thats a thing) and a phone.[/i][/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [indent][i]I'll put the theme here when I can find one that I like. 'Till then, suggestions are appreciated ^_^[/i][/indent] [/hider]