Rachel sighed, watching a hellish minotaur rushing towards her. Of course, she looked defenceless, so the creature's charge seemed reasonable. If one ignored the pile of its comrades behind her. 3...2...1...Rachel smiled as a wall of semi-transparent blue figures popped up between her and the monster; spirits of the dead bound to her service. The ghosts unleashed a volley of energy blasts at the demonic bull as it stumbled around, trying to get to the human. The brunette simply sat back and watched the carnage. [i]Bladed Aatxe drops a Glob of Ectoplasm.[/i] "Heh, jackpot." Rachel walked over and picked up the blob. She wasn't entirely sure WHY she was killing the monsters and harvesting chunks of them, but...it was worth a lot of money and they weren't exactly dangerous...so long as she could keep them from actually hitting her. ...And then her phone beeped, breaking the brunette's immersion. Frowning, she looked to see what the problem was. A low battery? Well, she could just sort that out later. However, something else struck her as she looked at the somewhat outdated device...Didn't she have somewhere she was meant to go today? "Oh crap..." She mumbled, jumping out of bed, she quickly shut down her computer and hurried to get ready. Soon, she was out the door and racing towards Dylan's place...Moments later, she found herself backtracking, having forgotten to grab her laptop or 3DS before heading out. A short time later, she sprinted out again, without a word to any of her housemates. With a set of headphones plugged in, attached to a PSP which had spent most of its time recently being used as an MP3 player. --- Around ten minutes later, Rachel arrived. Standing a short distance from the apartment's entrance, she stopped to catch her breath. Running here had been...kind of exhausting, especially given what she'd been carrying. She turned off her PSP and took a deep breath. Brushing some stray hair out of her eyes, she approached the door. Putting on her best French accent, she set about announcing her arrival... "Allo, allo, allo. Ça va, Go-Busters?" ...With a reference she was pretty sure would be completely lost on most of the room's occupants. "Um, hey. Sorry, I'm late." She added, looking around. Well...at least they hadn't started yet. So maybe she wasn't too late at least. Due to a combination of not wanting to sit in someone else's spot and having forgotten to eat breakfast, Rachel drifted towards the pizza.