Alrighty! So far we established our main characters will be Kaoru and Kenshin with the others being side characters we share. We also decided that we'll be up to the point in the first season where Yahiki, Sano and Megumi are already established companions. We have decided to start with a rival dojo having moved into Tokyo. They teach pretty shady practices and the students are becoming a source of chaos around the city. Soon a tournament is announced and Kaoru decides to enter it to prove her Kamiya Kasshin Style is better and more worthy of victory than the other new rival's. We should probably focus on who the new antagonist is. I figure he's some sexist brute, probably travels from town to town to unleash his students upon wealthy targets while ending up recruiting some more skilled bad guys. Maybe he has a son or daughter who could come into play somehow. I don't see this 'arc' or 'episode' being a quick cut and dry turn of events. I figure we'll have the sign up, the training, some rounds, some other small cute but poignant events, then the final battle, etc. I could also see the money prompting some kind of trip somewhere. Maybe a possible next arc for the gang. Thoughts?