[hider=Izual] Name: Izual Anzhela Alias/Nickname: the Starslayer Rank: Knight Appearance: [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rfc3dNV.png?1[/img] [/center] Age: 20 Race: Hellspawn (Devil/Nephilim). Personality: Oblivious. Absolutely oblivious. Those who have had the pleasure of traveling with him couldn’t count the number of times the man has fallen for an obvious trap, gotten lost, or failed to recognize the affection of a woman. Combine that with his steadfast stubbornness, and you get a Hellspawn that’s very lucky to still be alive. While he’s very dense, Izual is a very benevolent being who will go out of his way to protect those in need (if they don’t run away from him first, anyway. Nobody trusts a guy with horns, apparently). Izual is known for his rather carefree lifestyle, loose mannerism, and quirky persona. He doesn’t care much for authority, but respects it as much as he can get away with. Biography/history: Izual is the result of Ariadne Lagi, a well-known Nephilim warrior, losing a duel to the Devil Prince, Izuzel Anzhela. Cruel and power-hungry, Izuzel enslaved Ariadne and forced himself upon her, and soon a baby Izual came into the world. The child was strong and healthy, and while originally the Devil Prince planned to kill the newborn, he instead plotted to rear Izual as his infernal protégé. Izuzel never did get to instill evil into his son's mind though, as Ariadne managed to escape from the Devil's lair in a twist of fate. Together, mother and son survived off the land as they hand no one else to go to. Ariadne's family had long since perished. Izual learned everything he knew from his mother: hiding, tracking, fighting, everything she could offer him. For years, the two of them managed to avoid Izuzel and his minions until the fateful the Devil Prince finally found his prisoners in a remote village. Backed into a corner with nowhere to run, Ariadne was force to fight the man that had caused her so much pain, only to be stricken down in front of her son. In desperation, Izual took up his mother's sword, Requiem, and attempted to slay his father with fury and sorrow coursing through his veins. Against such a powerful force though, the Hellspawn could not succeed alone. Requiem was cleaved in two by Izuzel's brute strength, and, like his mother, he was surely destined to die. However, something odd happened that day, as if a god were looking out for Izual. In the act of crawling away from the Devil Prince, his hand curled around the hilt of a strange sword. Radiating with a power to match Izuzel, the Hellspawn was able to go head to head with the Devil and defeat him. The onlooking villagers described their duel as "two bright stars, colliding with one another". Izuzel's death was so unbelievable that the villagers gave Izual the title "Starslayer" after witnessing such an event. Tales of his feat spread far and wide, and soon Izual the Starslayer was being offered positions that he never imagined being open to him. In the end, Izual settled with joining the Tower of Stars. Reason for recruitment: Izual's reputation for slaying a Devil Prince. Strength of Will: Oracle Magic: Izual can only use channeled magic while he wields his greatsword. [list] [*][u]Enchantment[/u] - Thus far, Izual has only discovered how to imbue his sword or himself with elemental energies. [*][u]Abjuration[/u] – With Novabuster’s power, Izual can create shields to protect himself or others. [*]More to be discovered… [/list] God relations: Unbeknownst to him, the god Xandrius has great interest in him. Tech: [list] [*][hider=Novabuster][img] http://i.imgur.com/O7RHp4K.jpg?1[/img][/hider][list][*]Izual’s signature greatsword. Of unknown craftsmanship, this surprisingly lightweight blade is practically an extension of himself and seems to be imbued with great power. Over the years, Izual has come to realize he can tap into the blade’s power to varying effect. However, he has only uncovered a few of the tricks this blade is capable of doing and much remains to be discovered. [/list] [*][b]A stripped down suit of Power Armor.[/b] [list][*]Preferring mobility over defense, Izual has made a lot of modifications to his suit. Rather than being hard and solid like proper armor should, it feels and looks more like a soft carapace and can only deflect minor blows. However, this renders him able to move with more finesse and speed than normal.[/list] [/list] Possessions/items/property: [list] [*][hider=Requiem][img]http://i.imgur.com/VsfGFIZ.png?2[/img][/hider][list][*]Requiem was his mother’s blade. While it was once enchanted, it lost any trace of magical power when it was cleaved in half by Izual’s father. Izual wears it on his hip as a memento. It could also double as a primitive dagger if need be.[/list] [*]A set of survival equipment, just in case. [/list] Skills: [list] [*]Swordsmanship – Despite a lack of formal training, Izual’s self-taught style is surprisingly effective. [*]Survivalist – He’s no stranger to the harsh landscape and knows quite a bit about the land. Starving in the desert? Izual can probably find something edible out there. [*]Agility – Even with his massive sword, the Hellspawn is capable of moving at great speeds and moving his body with incredible finesse. He makes a great scout. [*]Adaptability – Possibly his greatest skill, Izual is comfortable in any situation. Even at a disadvantage, he’ll try to find a way to equal the odds. [/list] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnT5rQ_eylk]Theme[/url] [/hider]