"Roger that, Four. Let's just shorten it down to four, that ought to help you out, over". Nyx nodded in agreement, adding in, [color=00aeef]"Roger that."[/color] She gripped the throttle tightly, trying to breathe while they waited in the dark tube. One light, two... once it reached four, Nyx felt the magnetic charge, trying to not think about the last time she'd hopped in a ship to pilot it. She checked her displays again, making sure that everything was smooth and then... [i]Fwoosh.[/i] And out in space, Nyx felt the wide expanse of space all around her. A vacuum that would definitely cook and freeze her at the same time in a short moment. Nyx shook her head to get her head out of the stars, and flew in formation behind Erien, keeping an eye out for the claymores, and anything else that might be out there. If they screwed up, if they let down their guard... it wouldn't be good. Nyx realized that she was going with the Commander. Nyx was surprised, she thought for sure that she'd be stuck on guard duty. With a quick, 'roger that' she was behind Erien, and ready to go. There wasn't much to do for a while, and the suspense just kept building, so Nyx cycled between her canopy and her screen. Both of which were empty. A report, but it wasn't anything much. Just confirmation that there was nothing out there. At what Nyx assumed was the same time as Eiren, there was a beep on her screen. [i]Shit. It couldn't have been simple, could it?[/i] Nyx thought as she began to settle in and get ready to fight. [i]Plus, I get to deal with them with the Commander first.[/i] [color=00aeef]"This is Four, ready to follow. Respectfully, ma'am, what the hell are they out here for?"[/color] Nyx asked as she spun to narrowly avoid being hit. [color=00aeef]"Plus, its no secret that we were coming. They'd be hard pressed to win with those outdated fighters. I don't like this."[/color] A hard and fast push on the reverse and she avoided getting hit again. Nyx barely managed to lock on to one of the fighters and shoot before she had to go on the defensive again. [i]Is it too late to debate my life choices?[/i]