[center][img]http://i.giphy.com/5yrcg4Uj74gV2.gif[/img][/center] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=You%27ve%20Been%20Marked&name=ZOMBILAR.ttf&size=70&style_color=8C0505[/img][/url][/center] [center][b][color=9e0b0f]So the world[/color][/b] is yours for the taking [b] [color=9e0b0f]Too bad[/color][/b] the world fears [b][color=9e0b0f]everything that[/color][/b] [i]you[/i] are[/center] In the beginning [b]Fall Hollow[/b] was funded by the supernatural aristocratic elite many centuries ago. A city for supernaturals to live among one another and away from the prying eyes of humans and hunters of that time. A barrier was placed over the city to shield them and often was moved from place to place when needed. Overall it was a normal and peaceful city for many years. The leaders of each species coming forth to create a council. Getting along but never marrying or producing offspring outside of their own species. However soon things flipped [b]Fall Hollow[/b] upside down and a chaos began to rise within the once serene city. More and more children were being born out of wedlock. In some instances even in marriages. These children however were not of pure blood. They were the first ever Hybrids. Thought to be at first a more powerful being of destruction that soon proved to be the opposite. Mixed bloods as they were called proved themselves to be a weaker species. Disgusted the council began to point fingers, and thus the rivalry began. Now present day, [b]Fall Hollow[/b] is still teeming with supernatural life. It is a dark place on no ones must see vacation spot. The city is often avoided by non supernaturals due to the high violence rate and the immense gang activity. Without working together Fall Hollow now stays in one place with no barrier to keep humans away. Just recently the human population has begun to wander into [b]Fall Hollow[/b] - soon finding out its dark secrets. While the city is ever changing there are a few things that have remained the same over the years. The pure bloods and hybrids are both still around. A social hierarchy stands - the hybrids being the inferior species - lower on the totem poll than even the humans. They blend in with the neutral society and are often hired to do the higher up gang members errands. The species who rule the city are truly fierce, some of the strongest and most formidable of foes. All of which are from pure blooded lineage. These gangs in include: The Vampires, The Werewolves, The Shifters, The Witches, The Mermen, The Faeries and The Demons. With a deep set rivalry that goes back hundreds of years each species sticks to their own. Often more than not hostile to one another. Romance between the species is still seen as a taboo, something that must be hidden away. Interspecies love could prove to be deadly - especially if found out. [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/old-english-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Species&name=CuxhavenTimes.ttf&size=70&style_color=3E4D3C[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Vampires] * Immortal * Susceptible to Sunlight & Fire Vampires are creatures who were once mortal beings. They are created by being drained to the point of death and receiving a profuse amount of vampire blood. Their bodies react as though they are dying however when waking the next night they are blessed - or cursed with immortal life. The vampire who has turned them becomes their maker - instantly there is an intense bond between the two. A vampires skin is pale and cold to the touch, however after a blood meal their skin can regain a rosy complexion and slight warmth for a short period of time. As the undead their hearts do not beat and they lack the need to breath. Naturally their eyes are red if they feed from humans or humanoid creatures. However they take on an amber hue when only feeding from animals. An animal diet weakens the vampires strength and senses immensely. The abilities vampires possess are the following: Super strength, speed, healing, enhanced hearing, enhanced vision, enhanced smell and the ability to glamour. Glamouring is when a vampire catches extended eye contact with someone putting them into a trance like state. From that point the vampire may erase a memory or command the person under the trance to do something. Vampires can glamour one another - however only an older vampire will be successful in doing so. Vampire blood has healing properties, however their blood can also be used as a drug. When consumed the user is put into a euphoric state of mind. However it is highly addictive and if taken from a vampire who has fed on the user a blood bond is formed. Blood bonds are intense emotional and physical connections. The more blood consumed the stronger the bond becomes. This bond can escalate from being able to sense the persons emotions and where they are to being able to read their thoughts. A vampire with too many blood bonds runs the risk of going insane. Blood bonds can only be severed through the death of one of the bonded. [/hider] [hider=Werewolves] * Human Lifespan * Susceptible to Sliver & Wolfs-Bane Werewolves can either be bitten or born, werewolves who are born hold a higher standing within the pack’s social ladder. In order for a werewolf to be turned he must be bitten on the night of the full moon. When the next full moon arises he will shift and gain all werewolf abilities. Werewolves may shift whenever they like - however the full moon is when they are at their peak of strength. Their wolf forms are often large and more muscular than a normal wolfs. In their human form each werewolf possesses the ability of enhanced strength, agility, healing and senses. Their body temperature is extremely high and they are often immune to most illness. Wolves have a strong sense of pack mentality, they put themselves into rank often given at a young age but can shift in adulthood. These ranks are: Alpha Male, Alpha Female, Beta, and Omega. The alpha male and female lead the pack and keep everyone in line. They are naturally the strongest of the pack. Next comes the beta wolves, these wolves act as second in command, they are a step below the alphas in strength. Lastly there are the omegas, these are the weakest of the pack. [/hider] [hider=Shifters] * Human Lifespan * Physical Vulnerability * Susceptible to Iron Shifters are humanoid creatures that possess the power to shift their bodies into any animal they have seen. They have a normal human lifespan and cannot be made, only birthed. When in their animal form they take on any abilities that animal has. For example a dog would have a heightened sense of smell or a fish would be able to breath underwater. Animalistic traits from the shifters spirit animal can also be found in their human form. A shifters spirit animal is the easiest form for them to take. It is also the first animal form they take when a child. Most shifters will be able to hold a partial shift for a short period of time. This means that they may take on an animal trait such as claws, eyes, ears, gills etc. to their human form. Shifters look like average humans and can only be detected through their scent which species with enhanced smell like vampires and werewolves will be able to pick up on. [/hider] [hider=Merperson] * 1000 Lifespan * Susceptible to Fire, Ice & Cold Weather Mermaids/Mermen are humanoid creatures that inhabit the sea, they are a wise and proud society. Often charming beyond compare as well as very beautiful - which helps them to lure in their victims. Often more than not mer-people lure their prey into the water, quickly taking control of the situation after that point. Torturing and killing their victim by drowning or other methods. These sea bearing creatures possess water and weather manipulation magic, they also have the ability to turn their fin’s into legs. Of course they must return to the sea every few weeks or their powers will grow weaker and eventually if away from the ocean too long they could die. Mermaids/Mermen have beautifully colored tails, often color and different shades - however multi colored fins have been seen. [/hider] [hider= Witches] * 500 Year Lifespan * Physical Vulnerability * Susceptible to Disease & Other Ailments Witches are humanoid creatures, the closest relation to humans than all other species. You are born a witch, no magic or ritual will enable another species to become one. Witches age at the same rate as a human - however when they cast an immortality spell their life can be extended an upwards of 500 years. Witches possess the power of magic. Either though potions, incantations, or mediums. Their strength is gained gradually over the years - the more they know the more powerful they become. However there are a select few witches who are gifted from the start.Higher level witches may also possess elemental magic, often being skilled at a handful before their lifetime is over. [/hider] [hider=Faeries] * 3000 Year Lifespan * Physical Vulnerability * Susceptible to Iron Faeries are humanoid creatures that age very slowly, however they are not immortal. Faeries tend to age thirty years for every one human year. They can live to be around 3000 years old. A faeries wings are like their fingerprint - no two are exactly the same. Once a faeries wings are removed however they can not be brought back by any means of magic. Often they leave a two large and deep scars where their wings once were. When not in use faeries wings morph into their back - taking a form of a tattoo. When in this state their wings cannot be damaged. Faeries have a multitude of powers, one being telepathy - however their telepathy can be blocked by the right magical charm. Other powers include elemental magic and vitakinesis. Faeries come from an alternate dimension which can be opened every full moon. Their dimension is much like the one we live in however much more lush and less colonized. They do have higher status faeries that govern the lands. Faeries are normally a peaceful race. However they are known to hold a grudge and can be quite stubborn. [/hider] [hider= Angels] * Immortal * Susceptible to Sin Angels are considered to be only a myth by those who live on earth. Angels are created by God to serve his purpose. Therefore, they cannot procreate. Angels are typically not allowed to reveal their nature and are encouraged to keep it a secret. Often those who do disobey are brought back and locked in heaven. [b]None of mortals or supernaturals know angels exist, and that knowledge must be gained through the process of roleplaying.[/b] [b]Light Form[/b] Young angels (thousand years or less), before they are sent out to earth, reach out to it to find a proper vessel for them. They have to get permission, consent from a human being they want by telling them all the truth. If chosen human says “yes” out loud, then the angel may occupy their body, putting the soul to sleep for the time being. They can be both, killed and sent back to heaven (usually by demons), using angel blade. Their vessels age, but are healed from all the sicknesses and their health is extremely well while possessed, and even after the angel leaves. If the vessel does not want the angel inside of them anymore, they can throw them out and it harms, weakens the angel. In Light Form, they are stronger than humans, but weaker than any other species. They have the abilities to heal themselves and others, however it requires extra effort and the process is slow. [b]Flesh Form[/b] Old, ancient angels that did enough to deserve to be “promoted” and get their human forms back. They don’t need food, sleep, but, just like demons, can consume and be affected. They can be sent back to heaven, but not taken out of their bodies. Angels like that can be killed by ancient demons, but it’s a rare thing to happen, since deaths of ancients on both sides could start a war. Their main purpose — to protect humans and nothing is more important to them than that. Ancients are wise, not as obeying as young ones, but peaceful nonetheless. If provoked can react harshly. In Flesh Form, the ancient angels have a power of strong light, which might leave another blind, destroy objects or vessels of any kind (sometimes even themselves, if used recklessly). They have the power to take younger angels out of their vessels, with or without the human's consent. Their wings (white or, if an angel has begun to fall/is on the edge of it, their wings might be black and losing feathers) and are able to fly. Wings are always hidden except times where they are needed, the angel can make them “grow” out of their back. Blood of angels is poisonous (in large amounts, fatally) to every species but humans; if a human is near death and cannot be healed with power alone, feeding them angel’s blood will bring them back to a healthy form. Angels leave heaven only if there is an urgent, important matter or if demons start coming to earth. Angels start to [b]fall[/b] because of: * Unnecessary murder of an innocent soul. That does not include murder because of justice, etc. * Going against god, siding with demons. [/hider] [hider=Demons] * Immortal * Susceptible to Holywater & Crucifixes Demons are creatures of the underworld, mischievous and ruthless creatures always on the prowl for a new victim. They come to the human realm to cause chaos and to feed. They have little interest for the quarrels of most humanoid life. However they feed from the chaos it creates - often ebbing it on only to get a good meal from it. Demons do not need food - rather they feed off the negative energy emitted off other creatures. They are known to make deals with humans, granting them something and then possessing their soul when the deal is complete. The more souls the demon has collected the stronger his power becomes. Demons possess elemental magic, often connected to fire and earth due to the hellish domain they emerge from. [/hider] [hider= Hunters] * Human Lifespan * Physical Vulnerability * Susceptible to Disease & Other Ailments Hunters have been around since the first spotting of supernatural life. Having started out as warriors of war their attention was shifted from humans to the unknown. Most despise the supernatural, seeing them as unholy and unnatural. Many hunters come from large families where the methods of hunting the supernatural have been passed down for hundreds of years. With the advancements in technology their job has become even easier. Often hunters bear a tattoo or a clothing item often unknown to most others - this is a form of letting other hunters know they are on their side. The hunters are a underground organization - keeping their plans as hidden and as secretive as they can. [/hider] [hider= Humans] * Human Lifespan * Physical Vulnerability * Susceptible to Disease & Other Ailments Humans are fragile creatures, quick to tire and often fascinated by the unknown. They hold no special magical powers and have no long lifespan. They can however be turned into vampires and werewolves. Humans just began to migrate into FallHollow in the last century or so. They have built up shops and have made homes all over the city - although they do tend to avoid the more heavily populated gang area’s. [/hider] [hider= Hybrids] Werewolf - Human: Result in a weaker werewolf, Would only be able to shift on a full moon, smaller in size compared to a normal werewolf. High body temp, less of a sense of smell and hearing. Human lifespan. Werewolf - Witch: Results in a weaker werewolf, Would only be able to shift on a full moon, smaller size compared to a normal werewolf. Normal body temp, normal sense of smell and hearing, weak magical abilities. Human lifespan. Werewolf - Merman: Moderate strength werewolf, Not able to shift into a werewolf, Can grow fins only when exposed to salt water. Normal body temp, heightened smell and hearing. 200 year lifespan. _______________________________________________________________________ Faerie - Human: Results in weaker faerie, Only tattooed wings - non useable, limited elemental magic that may or may not work on command. 150 year lifespan. Faerie - Witch: Moderate strength faerie, Wings can be animated by magic to work for a short period of time. One heightened element, weak non elemental magic.1000 year lifespan. Faerie - Merman: Moderate strength faerie, Very small wings that allow extra speed when swimming but useless for flying, excels in water element magic. Very charming innocent looking creatures. 2000 year lifespan. _______________________________________________________________________ Shifter - Human: Results in weak shifter, Only able to shift into one animal, less of a sense of smell and hearing. Human lifespan. Shifter - Witch: Moderate strength shifter, Also called a familiar, strongest when bonded to a witch. Can shift into a small animal (Cats, snakes, rabbits etc), Moderate magical abilities. Human lifespan. Shifter - Merman: Moderate strength shifter, Can shift into water animals, moderate sense of smell and hearing. Can hold breath underwater for up to an hour. 200 year lifespan _______________________________________________________________________ Demon - Witch: Results in weaker demon, possess higher level earth and fire elemental magic. Can feed off negative energy or food. Often have small horns. 700 year life span Demon - Merman: Moderate strength demon, low level elemental magic. Often very mischievous and have slight power over persuasion. 1500 year lifespan Demon - Shifter: Moderate strength demon, has the ability to shift into a hellhound, possesses low fire elemental magic. Feeds on human food. 200 year lifespan Demon - Werewolf: Moderate strength demon, has the power to shift into a demon wolf - very temperamental and volatile in that state. Very charming and manipulative. Feeds on human food. 200 year lifespan _______________________________________________________________________ Werewolf - Faerie: Moderate strength werewolf, Smaller than most werewolves, has limited elemental magic, Moderate lifespan. 200 year lifespan Werewolf - Shifter: Moderate strength werewolf, Can shift into wolf sized mammals - though a wolf is the easiest. Moderate body temp, heightened hearing and smell. Human lifespan. _______________________________________________________________________ Faerie - Shifter: Moderate strength faerie, Fully functioning wings, lower level elemental magic. Can talk to animals. 500 year lifespan. Faerie - Demon: Moderate strength faerie, Fully functioning wings, often has tiny horns. Moderate elemental magic, can blend into darkness. Low lifespan. Dark magic needed at birth. 4000 year life span [/hider] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/old-english-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=The%20Council&name=GregorianFLF.ttf&size=70&style_color=919CA3[/img][/url][/center] The ideal amount of council members is 12, including one member from each valued species. All hybrids are looked down on, hunters are enslaved, humans have no value, and Shifters are only claimed humans, none of them have a position on the council. At the time Demons have refused a seat of their own. [center][u]COUNCIL FAERIE[/u] (0/2 Taken) [u]COUNCIL MERPERSON[/u] (0/2 Taken) [u]COUNCIL VAMPIRE[/u] (0/2 Taken) [u]COUNCIL WEREWOLF[/u] (0/2 Taken) [u]COUNCIL WITCH[/u] (0/2 Taken) [u]COUNCIL DEMONS[/u] (0/2 Taken)[/center] [hider=My Hider] Any Councils left open will be NPC. The Council can overdrive the vote or decision of Royals. [/hider] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/monogram-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=The%20Royals&name=tagettP2_U.ttf&size=45&style_color=37374F[/img][/url][/center] [hider= Royal Roles] [u]FAERIE[/u] Queen Princess/Prince [u]VAMPIRE[/u] King Prince/Princess [u]DEMONS[/u] Lord Prince Princess [/hider] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=The%20Gangs&name=bloodcrow.ttf&size=70&style_color=15155E[/img][/url][/center] [hider=Gangs] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/clan%20wolf_zpsysslevyp.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/Ribbet%20collageggg_zpsn890y75e.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/Ribbet%20collagevdcxvc_zpspjuawkok.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/Ribbet%20collagejjjjj_zpsxgq29nv7.jpg [/img] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/Ribbet%20collagekkhhghgj_zpskp5yaylm.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/Ribbet%20collagevcvvdsdfsffsdsdss_zps1auxcrbb.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/Ribbet%20collagevcvcvcx_zpsqzxn2ipd.jpg[/img] [img]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o706/WildBunnii/Ribbet%20collagecvcsdkfksdlflsnflksflnd_zpsypihlprb.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider= Gang Roles] Leader/Alpha Right Hand/Beta Supplier/Advisor Members [/hider] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/halloween-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Skeleton&name=MarkoftheBeastBB.ttf&size=70&style_color=5F853C[/img][/url][/center] [code][center][h1][color=???]Full Name[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]Real pictures, no anime. Realistic drawings/paintings ok[/img][/center] [color=???][i]" A quote they live by "[/i][/color] -[b]Author[/b] [color=???][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Nickname:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Relationship Status:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Gang Rank:[/u][/b][/color] (Leave blank if Human or Council) [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Title:[/u][/b][/color] (Royalty or Council Only) [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Species:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Occupation[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Fears:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [u]Flaws & Virtues[/u] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [color=???][b][u]Extra[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent] [/code]