[quote=@Pathfinder] With the whole "no healing" thing, it's a damn testament that anybody does [i]anything[/i] besides staying inside. Secondly, do people still need to eat and drink? [/quote] Yes, the things have changed. Au first mortals thought it was cool to be immortal... But the fallbacks showed up quick. Keep in mind that this applies to all life. Plans. Animals. Bacteria. So, people don't get sick. Wounds don't get infected. You will probably not have so much energy of you lose a lot of blood, but, maybe you can get some from somewhere else if you loose too much. Like a blood back... Or another person... Take a moment to think about how much the world is essentially different with only two things taken away: death and life. People do need to eat. not as much. They can probably stomach things they could not before. Still need to drink... If a person gets dehydrated they turn ask rasiny instead of dying of thirst. They might become too brittle to move. Likewise if they don't sleep they might lose their minds, currently you will die in something like 12 days without sleep. Without death people just lose more and more of their minds. The apocalypse kind of sucks. Which is what gives mortals motivation to try and change it. If it was simply not dying and no getting hurt everyone would love it.