Elik let out a breath he didn't know he was holding once his fighter made it out of the launch rail and out to open space. After one more quick overlook of his systems he fell in with the squad on the way to meet up with [i]Eagle Eye[/i]. He responded to their assignments with "Understood" and took a second to figure out just who the hell Cavernmaw was. Upon realizing the Cavernmaw was Six he fell into formation with him, setting a piloting assist to keep him locked in the formation for the patrol so he could focus on his radar and sensors. He settled in during the long run, hoping it stayed this quiet. He kept his eye on his radar, occasionally glancing up to make sure he was still with his wingman...and that his wingman was there. He seemed to get the ping just after Erien and quickly shut off the pilot assist to switch over follow Erien. The cockpit in his fighter was dead silent as he waited on confirmation of the unknowns, and of course they had to be hostile. The first thing the really alerted him to the bandits was when Erien's fighter spun into evasive maneuvers, quickly followed by an alert that his fighter had been locked on to as well. He broke formation into his own evasives and came around but a missile was still fired at him. A marker indicated the incoming projectile and he pressed his countermeasure, thankfully confusing the lockon and the missile flew off in the wrong direction. He still ended up with one of the fighter on him. "I've got one on my tail!"