[centre][h1][b]Chapter 2: Taking a chance, and breaking the norm[/b][/h1][/centre] It took a lot of strength of will to not say what she wanted to say to Big Boss then, but Agent Caits knew she had come up to the line, and practically stepped over it. She should count herself lucky, and she headed out the office. But she couldn't help thinking, [i]Cody's higher then you, Big Boss. I'm not even sure you even know what it means to be human[/i]. The Big Boss might have bitten off more then he could chew, with the two subjects. Agent Caits had lied. She assumed if Big Boss knew she had, she wouldn't ahve walked out that room alive. She had lied when she said her allegiances were to the project. No, they were always to herself. And right then, Agent Caits knew it was in her best interests to make sure the Big Boss believed her. Right then, all she wanted to do was find a way to get Cody, and Gerswhin out. She went to her miserable excuse for an office, and sat down in her chair, dropping her head into her hands, she stayed like that a moment, before reviewing the guard duty for Cody. She flinched as the light above her smashed, showering glass over her and her desk. 'Perfect. Just perfect. It will take months to requistion a new globe' she gave a heavy sigh, rising just as the note was slipped under her door. She stared at the written note, unable to believe what was written there. She opened the door, and glanced outside, looking for Agent Dixoide. [hr] [quote=file#46[ [right]Date and time:10/03/2016, 1030 [centre][b]Analyse report-Subject 30[/b][/centre] The use of the motivator team on Subject 30 has given us valuable data that we may never have gotten before. The subject appears to have control over his abilities, a significant amount, to resist healing himself during the motivation exercise. The subject appears to have massive control over how he heals, happening almost at once when light coated his body. Does the light heal? Accelerate the cells to grow, to heal? The subject does not have any sign of injury, not sign that he was cut, no sign of bruising. There does not appear to be a single mark on the subjects body. Harvesting just how the subject does this could give us a fascinating leap in medical science. More demonstrations will have to be conducted to conclude just how the subject heals. Perhaps a complete live culture of the subjects blood, skin, will show us the answer. There has been an interesting change in the subjects behavior. Rather then subdue the subject, the motivation team appears to actually have angered him, provoking what appears to be little more then a tantrum. Yet the subject still continued on with it, shattering anything that used light. Camera's near the subjects cell have been replaced, although it is expected these will not last. What is the range of the subjects ability with his light? Those on the motivation team report that where light touched them from the subject, they received burns. These appear almost like an electric shock mark. It is expected that the subject will resist further testing, showing the need to be careful. [/quote]