Cameron’s thoughts put her into a trance-like state as they hiked the path he lead. The only thing that would shake her out of it was Justin pointing out different buildings, objects or places and giving a brief history, which she thoroughly enjoyed. All the stories she had heard of New York were of terrible. Things meant to scare them from ever trying to visit. But, the things he showed her were fascinating and historical. She created scenarios in her mind of the types of people lived there, where they were going when they walked down the same street, what they were going to have for dinner. When all of a sudden… [b]Thud.[/b] Cameron ran into Justin’s back forcefully as he came to a halt. “Shit, sorry,” she mumbled as she backed away from the man and looked at their surroundings. What, was he psychic? Something didn’t feel right? None of this felt right. When she was about to ask for some clarification, she heard the screams and tried to pin point the location it came from when she saw the two girls running towards them hastily. Panic. The girls were in complete and total panic. Cameron’s brain was attempting to wrap around the words they were spewing out when they heard the group coming closer. Her muscles began to tense, and her heart began to race as she heard the noises – she had already gone through this once this week. And now, on her journey to relay the stupid box and to somehow save humanity with its contents, she was in the middle of yet another attack. Great. Wait a minute. This couldn’t be just a coincidence, could it? Could the attackers be looking for something? The box. What if they were looking for the box? But, how would they know she had it? They couldn’t have known, could they? Cameron was almost certain that no one witnessed her escape the village after John handed it over to her. But, she could be wrong. Damn it, she could definitely wrong. Paranoia began to set it, and her widened eyes snapped to Justin as she reached for the gun she had tucked in the back of her jeans, not sure what the hell she was going to do with it besides attempt to scare away an assailant, and moved a bit closer to the group as she observed the buildings surrounding them. She probably shouldn’t have lied to Justin about what she was holding in her backpack, but it wasn’t like [i]she[/i] really knew what was in her backpack. Plus, how was she supposed to know he was “the one”, anyway? She didn’t see some mystical aura around him, she didn’t feel anything from looking at him. If John told her to just give it to a friendly guy who has a nice body and can use a gun, then she’d be set. Scot-free. How the hell was she going to figure this out? In an attempt not to look completely frightened, Cameron pulled one of the frantic girls in her arm and whispered, “We’re gonna be okay, don’t worry, don’t worry.” She blew a stray hair from her face and kept eye contact with Justin, hoping that he would have some sort of plan to get them far away from the group that seemed to be approaching them quickly.