[center][h1]The Empire of Vornehm[/h1] [img]http://i67.tinypic.com/3482cxt.png[/img] [h2]The War on the Mainland[/h2] Though the war had gone well for the Faresian regiments of the Vornehm army, on the mainland things were not so bright. Troops remained equipped with older Gewehr 1900 rifles and M5 leather Kriegshelm helmets for much of the war, which resulted in usage of more updated weapons scavenged from fallen Soroyan and Ostruznican troops. Being bogged down alongside their allies in foreign land did little good for morale, and things began to look dire for the Vornehm people. However, with the subjugation of Fuso and its manufacturing power, the newer technology seen on the Faresian front quickly made its way to the mainland troops, as did reinforcements fresh from combat in Faresia. With these new advantages, the Vornehm soldiers managed to gain a slight upper hand for a time, pushing further into the enemy occupied trenches and defenses then would have been possible with the older, outdated technology. New developmental tech had been created for the war as well, such as the Flammenwerfer 18 flamethrower, developed in 1918 for the mainland troops, or the newer Chlorine Gas artillery shells. These weapons of war wrecked havoc on the front lines, but overall did little to end the excessive stalemate. [img]http://i67.tinypic.com/2lnwwb7.jpg[/img] [i]First Field Combat test of the Flammenwerfer 18[/i] [img]http://i66.tinypic.com/2817ghf.jpg[/img] [i]The 11th Infantry firing the Flak 16 Anti-Aircraft Gun, first of its kind to see war.[/i] The horrors wrought by the new weapons not only impacted the morale of the enemy, but also damaged the minds of Vornehm soldiers. Several excepts from post-war interviews are as follows: "During a battle, we had just shot down a pilot with one of the new guns, and we went to check the crash...When we got there, the man had been ground to chunks, shredded by the Flak shells." "The gas had an absolutely devastating effect on the enemy. One shell could suffocate an entire company within minutes. To see them writing on the ground, clutching at their throats and gasping for air..." Kaiser Waldemar IV was very quick to hide the horrors of war, in favor of praising the honorable troops for their sacrifice. This kept morale on the homefront high, with rationing and lowered non-war production seen as a necessary cost. [img]http://i67.tinypic.com/2w1w4rb.jpg[/img] [i]Kaiser Waldemar IV inspecting parade troops in Ehrnsdorf, Capital City of Vornehm[/i] [img]http://i68.tinypic.com/1zc0fw2.jpg[/img] [i]Two photos side-by-side, comparing the Vornehm gear and uniform at the start of the war, to that of the end of the war[/i][/center]