Since I know my latest IC post ([url=]"Pain Imminent"[/url]) is going to be…ahh, [i]somewhat[/i] contentious…please permit me to explain. Divinity’s defense against the cannonut attacks was so brief as to be difficult to even notice on first read, consisting solely of the phrase “Instead, it was dumped like a guyser into crystal blue waters, swirling milky patches of color floating within as they were impaled on quartz lances. Hefty defenses weren't required when you had precise ones.” No detail was given as to where the javelins came from, how they got there, or what they did to stop the cannonut attacks. The cannonuts were explicitly stated in the previous attacking post to be continually under Meteor’s direct control throughout the entirety of their flight – not a single word from Divinity was given to explain how that control was broken or disrupted. As such, by the rules of the game I grew up playing by, it was not broken or disrupted at all and the attack goes through essentially clean, driven by Meteor’s unopposed telekinesis. I’m of course willing to let NQCorban try to mitigate the damage she’s about to take, but she’ll have to do so from a position of severe disadvantage unless a judge disagrees with my assessment of Divinity’s defense. If there’s anything I’ve misinterpreted in the board’s overall rules to dispermit this sort of reversal, please point them out to me and I’ll make corrections.