Heh...perhaps, Divinity, a word of description as to the spears being ground-based would've helped? I do apologize; you specifically used the word 'javelin' when describing the lances dissolving, which has a very specific connotation in most folks' minds. Without any description of where the spears came from/how they formed, I was left to try and figure out from what few clues were present. If I missed the bubble, that's my bad and judgment will likely make me pay for it. Clarity is important, however...and I will further admit that I don't like the notion that a single tossed-off sentence with no support can nullify an entire post's worth of attack in this place. Shawdus: not a problem man, and I appreciate your help. Life comes first, always does. That said, is there a standardized forum judgment system we can appeal to? Given the Round 1 pairings and results, there's plenty of room for conflict-of-interest accusations leveled at you no matter which way you jump on judgment, and I'd hate to see you put through that for no reason. If there's a third-party system we can employ, that might be for the best. If not, then good luck and don't stress yourself over it.