The idea that an attack or defense must match the length of the opponents to be valid is, in my opinion, an incredibly outdated T1 practice. The fact they came from the ground would have been as simple to find out as reading the words 'reverted back into silica'. Silica is sand, and we're on a beach. There is also the option of communication. You asked several questions regarding this exact post, yet never included your confusion or aggravation at my defense. moreover, I find your wording in your riposte post..... Convenient. I recall nothing of the coconuts being made 'harder' by your telekinesis. No clues, no nothing. It was simply stated she flung coconuts at Corvana, and could control them mid-flight. The only shadow of a hint was the word 'cannonball', which is highly disingenuous, not just vague. This could refer to speed, but not density since coconuts are not that dense, obviously. Your riposte posits they had always been that hard, which is not the case insofar as the posts are concerned. again, it falls to a judge so for now we play the waiting game.