[center][color=cf5300][h2]Sona Penetierre[/h2][/color] [color=cf5300]Location:[/color] The outside world [color=cf5300]Interacting with:[/color] The unstable half-orc, the bird and the lathander obsessed dude [/center] Sona kept playing her music until she heard a certain word referring to her profession. That was when she kept looking around until she saw Lob. He actually caught her by surprise as the moment she looked to him, something went over her head to the point that she fell of her stomach. Alto started flying upwards as this happened. [color=cf5300]"Lob... you're so sweet"[/color] she complimented as she stood up. She had to admit, it hurt her neck slightly but she didn't mind. She could travel it off. Alto landed back on her shoulder once again and she smiled softly before playing with her hair. She only noticed what it was when she smelt it... It smelt of him. It was Sundos's. She quickly glanced to Sundos and then back to Lob [color=cf5300]"Does Sundos know about this??"[/color] she asked. [color=cf5300]"He could get angry if you didn't ask him to cut it for my head"[/color]