Cassie shrunk and jumped onto one of Kate's arrows as she shot it. She leaped just before it hit a doombot and grew flying past the bot and smashed the two behind it into the ground. Fighting through the hordes of fake dooms was irritating but necessary. They had no idea what he was after, only that they needed to stop him. She'd practiced fighting these things in simulations many times but it was still harder when it was the real things despite just being robots. She just had to go off her training and tips she'd received from many of the older superheroes. They finally caught up to the real Doom. Eli gave a warning to Doom who was holding some sort of artifact. Doom barely gave notice to them other than a few insults that riled Cassie up a little. She was ready to launch a large fist right at Doom when the tablet started glowing. Eli gave Doom a sort of I told you so line and Cassie said, "I don't think now's the time for that." That was when Eli gave the order to retreat. She made sure a few went ahead and ran out only turning to see if Eli and Kate were able to get out fine. That's when she saw Eli getting sucked in and she tried to reach for him only to get lifted off her feet and pulled towards the portal after him. She woke up moments after Eli and Kate when Kate had tapped her on the shoulder. "Ugh, what happened?" First things she noticed were a highly alert Kate, a frustrated Eli, all the others knocked out on the floor with the whole room being lit up in a green light. "Guys. Please tell me you know what's going on. Umm, also where are Peter and Teddy?"