It took a few moments for Hope to realize Grant has said something, raising then shaking her head to focus. [color=ed1c24]"Can you help me now?"[/color] she asked, a bit impatiently, before slowly standing up again so he could help. [color=ed1c24]"Do I have to explain what happened or you just came to help with this?"[/color] Hope questioned again, making a quick chuckle. She [i]did[/i] want to tell him what happened, wanting to see how he would react to her stupid decision to attack a titan without any gas, but she also wanted to get the wood and blade out of her body as soon as possible. Hope could also explain what happened while Grant took out the two objects, but any sounds of pain would most likely come out of her mouth instead of words. She simply waited for a response, staring down at the former soldier with slightly squinted eyes.