[quote][h3]On the Works of Telabar the Liar[/h3] [hr] [b](Important Figures)[/b] [h1]M[/h1]any consider the works of Telabar the Liar worthless after the discovery of his biased opinion and many tales inserted in the place of historical fact, however, despite their many inaccuracies, they are still valid sources to take from. Consider the case of [color=steelblue]King Brogg The Clever[/color], for years it had been believed that Brogg lost a hand fighting in [color=steelblue]The Second Diamond War[/color], but Telabar's first hand account, discovered long after Brogg's death described him as having both hands in an (No pun intended) off-hand statement while describing how worthless he was in his old age. While it is true that Telabar did tell many lies in his accounts, these accounts were, as is oft forgotten, [i]first-hand accounts[/i], and the large amount of those in the scholarly community that dismiss his works simply on a matter of principle should be ashamed, as a scholar's one and only job is to present the truth, no matter how unethical. (A few pages later) Telabar the Liar was born in Reln, though he would later claim to have been born in the home of a druid, despite heavy evidence showing otherwise. Telabar was born a street urchin by the name of Lucas Inchwood, presumably to one [color=steelblue]Arrenna Tabithar[/color] and her husband [color=steelblue]Harold Inchwood[/color], an architect favored by the nobility of Reln. He would later claim descent from the royal family, which was undoubtedly false, but considering the fact that Reln was founded near solely of cadet branches of the royal family, it may not have been so false as it seemed. Telabar first began his life as an artist, a wholly unsuccessful one, considering his poor motor skills and worse perspective, he would draw multiple self portraits during this phase of his life. [hider="Self portrait in Home", Pencil on papyrus.][img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/2/2e/Marc_Fishman_High_Sparrow.jpg/250px-Marc_Fishman_High_Sparrow.jpg[/img][/hider] After spending a time as a painter, Telabar then began his infamous writings, in which he inserted himself into historical events, falsified events, and defamed kings. These writings were quickly discovered by one of the royal family, who imprisoned him for a time, burning most of his earliest writings, which are now believed to have been much tamer than his later work. It was around this time that Telabar dropped his birth name, instead favoring the one of his own creation. After a decade imprisoned, where he compiled his [i]"Prison Journals"[/i], he was released due to his father's intervention. Telabar returned to his writing, creating very scathing accounts of the royal family, and wars that he had not even bore witness to. As a result, he spent many years in and out of prison, until finally he died at the age of thirty six of unknown causes, his writings were later taken by a friend who published them, writing copies out by hand and distributing them in secret. He made hundreds, and Telabar's accounts became a standard in any library. [b]History of War and the Follies of Man- Slings and Stones to Arrows and Bows[/b] - [i]Chapter One of[/i] [b]A Collection of Unfinished Works[/b] [i]Charles D'Hartbourg[/i] [i]Estate of Charles D'Hartbourg, Tower of Truths[/i] [/quote]