Gormlag grit his teeth together, the loud gnashing sound audible as it echoed out of his helmet. The burning fiend claimed to enjoy bathing in a searing pool of molten slag, but how would he like it when every last bit of heat was pulled back out of that earth and it solidified into solid stone once more? Seizing the opportunity created by D'Artagne's sudden throw of a grenade, the shaman outstretched a hand and began to work some sort of magic. He adroitly stepped to the side to avoid the handfuls of lava that Torrens threw. Even though the damage inflicted by such futile attack would be minute against a shaman that had infused his flesh with raw fire, beign struck by an object might still break his concentration and ruin the spell that he was working. Once again the shaman performed an amazing feat of pyromancy, though this time there would be no fire or heat flung towards Torrens. Rather, the shaman was pulling all the heat towards himself in a most unnatural and unusual form of spell, bathing himself in a wave of fire. All of this energy had to come from somewhere, and in this case it was being leeched from the molten pool that Torrens waded in as well as straight from the fire demon himself. In seconds, the lava had solidified into glassy obsidian colder than the most frigid winter snows, every last bit of heat having been drained out. Unless he had managed to somehow resist such magic, Torrens too would be deathly cold and crippled from such a rapid and extreme heat loss. In any case, even if he had escaped mostly unscathed he would be half encased within solid obsidian. A low, insidious rumble reverberated from deep within the shaman's chest: it was laughter. "It would seem that the clever little fox is trapped in his own hole." The onlooking crowd of orcs now surged forward, jeering at the fire demon who they took for dead. They looked forward to seeing what sort of horrible torture the shaman would employ against this one; if he had intended for Torrens to have a quick death, the fire demon would have already had it.