Ahahaha~ Yes, that kind of thing can really only happen in a porno, a bad joke, or a roleplay! >w< Mhmm, it makes sense that everyone would know Olivia, since she's probably the only doctor around~ I also planned to have my character at least mildly acquainted to most of the other characters, mostly because it's less fun if your character is all alone without a single soul to talk to, so if anyone is having trouble finding interaction, I'll be around~ ^.^ Also, Gabby, your sheet is accepted~ ^.^ Such a nice character! Hopefully I'll have the IC up a little while~ Ah, and finally I get to post my sheet~ I'm sorry for the length, since this was prepared before I realized that everyone else was posting shorter ones. >.<" [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/147/6/0/fem___puresedu_by_iumazark-d66rqqi.jpg][/hider] Name: Fae Rogers Age: 26 Height: 5’ 3” Weight: 126lb Occupation: Drug Dealer Personality: Possessing a disposition composed of pleasantness mottled with cynicism, and a constantly present humor that is lightly satirical and sardonic, Fae is pretty easy to get along with. A natural businesswoman, she is outgoing and willing to talk to even the shadiest characters under the right circumstances. A slightly more subtle aspect of her person is the fact that she doesn’t seem to treat anyone like they’re of a lower status. The way that she acts, all humans, no matter how young or old or clean or dirty, are equal. Due to her profession and nature, she’s acquainted with many members of the Los Angeles slums, in passing if nothing else. Bio: Miss Fae didn’t exactly live the kind of life one would expect from someone who currently spends their days manufacturing and distributing illegal substances in order to finance a life within a bad part of one of the worst slums in America. The majority of her young life was spent within a big white house at the end of a lovely little cul-de-sac, complete with a white picket fence and a cute boy next door. She and her two older sisters had a very pleasant childhood. Father was a politician perpetually in good public favor, mother was an elementary school teacher. All in all, life was good. Her school years were passed in a rose colored haze, within a series of prestigious schools inhabited by similarly privileged kids and the best teachers money could buy. With her natural intellectual prowess, the politician’s daughter never had any trouble with her subjects and excelled in many areas of study. Now, the fact that she was such a good thinker might seem like just another trait that would set Fae on a course to owning a big hilltop house of her own, but in reality it would lead in the opposite direction. After finishing high school, she decided to broaden her horizons and attend university in a different city. Financed by a scholarship and fueled by a desire to learn, she leapt headlong into a series of new experiences. Living away from home was incredibly different from her previous, overly sheltered lifestyle, thus she was experiencing many things for the first time. Many of these things were pleasant and funny and great, but others were of a different variety. For the first time, Fae learned that there were people who lived on the street because they didn't have enough money for a home, and people who worked all day and all night to avoid such a fate, and people who hurt and killed other people because they had never known anything else. Any other rich snob would have merely turned their head and looked away, but to the little girl from a neighborhood where everyone had at least three cars in the garage, it was the beginning of a revelation. As time went on, she was plagued by questions. Why did the top earning one percent of the country earn more than the bottom forty percent combined? Why were there people who had to resort to selling themselves for a enough money to survive while pop stars and celebrities could afford to buy diamond studded toilet paper? Even after attempts to help the community and be as charitable as possible, Fae continued to become increasingly disgusted with the ‘upper class’ and their ignorantly righteous lifestyle. Nervous breakdowns, panic attacks and recurring cases of manic depression became the norm until she graduated with a scientific degree. For some time, she had planned to become a pharmaceutical scientist and give back to the community by developing medicines, but upon being introduced to the severe corruption within the country’s medical system she could no longer stand to be around people who only sought to help themselves at the cost of other’s pain. Eventually she moved back to her home town of Los Angeles, she lives deep within the city’s underbelly in a dingy apartment. Now that she’s away from the corruption and politics and fake smiles that lacquer the upper crust of the city, her physical condition has improved significantly, despite the fact that the water quality in her home can be questionable at times, and her mood and outlook on life have become better as well. That pharmaceutical training came in handy upon being introduced to the illegal drug trade, and she finally settled into a job that in no way contributes to a capitalist agenda or puts money in the pockets of the rich. Most days she can be found wandering the slums and socializing, or holed up in her spare room, cooking up a new and interesting recipe. Other: -She owns a car, but almost never uses it. -She often feels guilty about the fact that she was able to enjoy such a nice childhood, while most other people that she knows have had it hard all their lives. -Like a chocolate maker with a sweet tooth, she's been occasionally known to 'sample' her own goods.