That's the sort of thing you see a doctor over, Star. ANYWAYS. Hi. My name is DLL, sort of. You can call me DLL, Laser, Yurei, or if you feel like being a creeper and possibly getting your dick punched, Beautiful. It would not be the sort of dick-punching you get in the 1x1 section, though. I am an individual of somewhat indeterminate gender who considers themself to be an adventurer rather than a straight-up fighter; my greatest love is tracking the wild adventures of my various characters and their friends/allies as they go about life facing challenges, meeting people, finding love, then probably shooting all three of those things in the face. That said, my adventures are long-form epic (as in the epic storytelling/literature format, not 'epic' the modern slang term) sagas set in original 'verse settings rather than fandom one-offs, so I'm not gonna get any of that here. I will instead subsist on the punching of faces. Or possibly dicks. I am a great fan of what is apparently termed 'Powered' combat around here, in what might be considered Anime style. Glittering energy blasts, feats of mighty physical exertion, dazzling displays of mystical cleverness, mastery of weapons and special techniques, and all the other awesome physical combat stuff you see in the best shounen shows. I am significantly less fond of battles in which two people try to contort reality in such a way that their opponent becomes a three-eyed inside-out space fish, so that's a thing to keep in mind. As well, in a twist which makes it [i]very[/i] difficult for me to find right and propah contests, I rather sharply dislike killing my opponents in a fight, regardless of circumstances, due to my general belief that most contests should be held as canon for the characters involved when possible. In point of fact, my primary character is [i]incapable[/i] of killing most types of opponents without suffering a horrible, debilitating backlash effect. Something which more than one foe has attempted to take merciless advantage of, before realizing that the loss of both legs is not immediately fatal. After two no-shows and...well, we're not talking about that anymore...I am three busted fights for three here in RPGuild. The ol' fightin' balls are blue enough to belong on a Smurf. So now that I've spieled about myself in the wrong thread for multiple paragraphs no one will read, allow me to ask straight-up: is there [i]anyone[/i] here who's looking for a friendly tussle on the Powered scale to break in that new-board smell? I'm tryin' here, but it KEEPS NOT WORKING @_@.