Let it be known that Starfall went way out of line. She was consistently told that she should eject herself from the argument, and Gun gave her a final warning saying basically "If you don't stop I'll DQ you" And she continued on her rant--either you listen to the GM and stay, or you don't and get kicked. Have you not listened to a GM before? Also let it be known that just because Starfall got kicked doesn't mean that Enki had to jump in here and continue the insults being hailed at Gun for seemingly no reason at all considering he literally took no side. DLL was honestly the only one out of the trio that acted with any sort of respect, and I'm happy that he decided to remain civil even toward the conclusion of this little shitstorm. I asked questions to Divinity, big or small, and he answered all of them. I got his posts clarified rather well because, like you DLL, I didn't understand some of his wording either. But he was willing to tell me because what he says in his posts is 99% of the time in the text (Except for the javelin thing, which I'm not even 100% about because I never got to reading the IC posts). I just don't get it. Why is everyone throwing so much shade at Gun? For what, exactly? He said he used Divinity for a time and then handed it off to the person who has it now. I just can't understand why you would jump on him. It obviously wasn't fixed. All he wanted to do was come here, start a tournament, and generate some fights. Before you go around accusing him of rigging the tournament, tell me this. [i]What reason would he have?[/i] No. Seriously. What would he gain from fighting his wife in the championship and winning/losing? What would he get from the win? Why don't you ask yourself that, question his motivation before you start throwing accusations. With that being said, considering the tournament is officially disbanded, I guess I nevr got the chance to pass my judgement. I apologize to DLL and Divinity for having to sit through this shitstorm while I dealt with real life responsibilities--I feel like if I had been able to make swift judgement, this wouldn't have devolved so out of control. Hats off to both of you for keeping your cool.