Ricard kept moving, despite the hesitance in Leo's steps. Though, it did make him wonder. Dark Make? Most dark related abilities were taught to those who decided to join Dark Guilds. Of course Ricard didn't care. A woman was involved, evil or no. He would go to hell and back if it was for a woman's affection. Leo, however, was more cautious, specifically because of this. All the easier for her to get the jump on them if one of the two were smitten with her. Leo picked up the pace even as Ricard grabbed hold of one of the remaining two by the arm. "This...is no way to treat a lady," he said, slightly winded from the run. The man, having been prepared to attack the girl in revenge for his two cohorts, spun around, fist primed to punch him. The lithe man ducked under the first punch, landing one of his own to the man's stomach. The man grunted, but it didn't seem to have much effect. This was going to be a problem. He had no offensive magic and he had charged straight in without thinking. At least, hopefully, it looked cool enough to the maiden he was currently trying to save. Despite the fact that she clearly needed no saving. As the man threw a second punch at Ricard, his wrist was grabbed, Leo finally having caught up. With a swift punch to the man's side with the mage's glowing arm, he crumbled, collapsing to the ground in pain. Another swift punch to the face knocked him out entirely. Ricard grinned at the pink haired woman, the disruption being plenty of a distraction for her to finish off the last goon. "Are you alright, m'lady?" he asked with a more grandiose expression, as if he had been the one to take out all four. "I came as quickly as I could to your aid! I hope these fools haven't hurt you at all."