[hider][url]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y91/lonelymissinggirl/Riku/kh38.jpg[/url] Additional Information: Standing 5’10” in height, most of his appearance and features are covered up as best as he can in his cloak, clothing and hood. All but the smile on his face, the single scar on his cheek and mostly just a single, cold blue eye staring out. But Sometimes both can bee seen, his cold and emotionless mostly eyes. But through the outfit he can be seen to be a bit muscular for what he does in the duo, He is the Muscle for their team and more then willing to get his hands dirty if needed. Name: Jared A. Nastid Age: 19 years of age. Skills: He is the Stealth and Power of the group. He can get in and get out quickly before anyone can expect it. Lockpicking and pickpocketing to get him where he needs. But if it’s really needed, he can provide the muscle in a fight. Willing to intimidate his foes with his pair of knives and the belt of throwing knives at his waist before launching into a fight. Never relenting and never feeling the pain he gains and tosses. Bio/History: “So you wanna know my life? Where do I start… Maybe it all began when my own parents abandoned me. Can you believe that? I was only maybe, what? Eleven years old? I don’t remember... and they just left me out on the side of the road, should have expected that from a pair of drunks that aren’t ready to have kids. Well after that, guess there wasn’t much choice besides a few tears and walking the rest of the way.” *Jared, ten years of age at the time, was a child of a mother and father, both abusive and alcoholics. After a bad night of drinking and leaving him in the vehicle for several hours, they finally came out of the bar and yelled at him. After several hours of driving they decided to pull over, he was instantly tossed out and they bolted away. Never looking back at the young boy* “I guess that wasn’t the beginning, but that was the important part! Everything else is just me being beat by those two… anyway where was I? Oh ya… I joined up with some bad people after that, I mean for a kid my age what did you expect? I was going to die of starvation or whatever out there. But as I had time with them, guess I learned a bit badly when I was young. I watched people die, I watched people from my group kill people without hesitation. Wasn’t good on this ten year old’s mind, guess he grew weird from it. I didn’t see anything wrong, I grew up learning that life is easy to give and take. I don’t care if someone dies, it happens everywhere…” *Jared, at the age of ten, joined a rogue type of gang. They called themselves the Serpent Clan, the leader of the outfit saw the young child and took him in. Seeing it as the perfect chance to grow a criminal to help him later on. This particular group is notorious for threats against small business owners and allowing “Mysterious” Disappearances of those that didn’t quite agree with how much they were suppose to pay for protection. The bodies are never found or appear months later after the body has already decomposed. Most of the Police force there attempts to keep them at bay with no success* “I don’t know why I stuck around, didn’t like most of them. I didn’t see much of a way out though, most of their stuff is heavy duty security. Even alot of the doors in their place are automatic things, require codes and such. There was no way out for me even if I wanted to leave, guess my luck changed. I was eighteen at the time, I saw them dragging this girl into the place. The bunch thought it was funny to make jokes about raping her and such. I hated that lot in the first place, I was surprised that they even came back alive honestly. Well, thankfully for me they did. I found out she was a good hacker, and she was different. She was someone that got to me after our first talk. Said that the doors here are child’s play, she could easily crack them if she wasn’t locked up and threatened with a gang behind her back. At first I scoffed at her words, then she threw something in my face I would never forget… she said “You are just like them then. You’ll never get far, they’ll put a knife in your back the moment you become useless to them… like me.” That got me, like her? I didn’t even know she worked for them… Guess you learn something new everyday?” *The Serpent’s worked out of an abandoned military base outside the city. Due to it’s structure and location, it was difficult for the police and military to actually besiege and infiltrate the facility. Due to that fact, the base had heavy security. The girl spoken to was Rebecca, at the time was sixteen, who worked outside the base of operations. She refused aid to a group that was sent to put the Orphanage in their place, thus the group was unable to succeed at the time. She was taken in to “Disappear” like others* “Well after a couple days of privately to her, found out she was going to be killed by them. She told me she came up with a plan to get us both out if I helped her. I didn’t trust her at first, thought the moment she got out that she would leave me to the dogs. Well I didn’t have much choice, I listened to her plan…. it was very complex. I liked it. When the moment came, I killed the two guards coming in to take her away, cut her bindings and we quickly tried to get as far as we can before those alarms sounded. But the moment they did was a bad time for us, they were trying to get all over us. Well she hacked the doors and I just killed one after another that tried to get to us. The moment came when I didn’t trust her at all, she was the only one smaller enough between the two of us to crawl through a damn vent. Well, in the end she went through. And here I was on the wrong end of the door, at her mercy of if she opens it or not. At first I was getting ready to meet my maker, till I heard the hiss of the door behind opening. I couldn’t believe it, she didn’t just leave me back there. Well I booked it out and she closed it immediately after I got out. And I swear… and I bet for her as well that we have never ran so hard in our lives. Not back to the City mind you, we booked it through the state, going through towns and such. Ya we took money and food along the way, what did you expect? It’s the two of us, and yes I say two. We both figured out we make a good team together, so we stuck together. Us against the world, and after about a year now with her… I’m trusting her. Maybe I’m a fool for that…”[/hider] [hider]Appearance: [url]https://d.wattpad.com/story_parts/131060845/images/13e0031e30a4e5b3.jpg[/url] Additional Information: She would be standing 4’11” in height. So shorter then Jared, but she makes up for it in being sleek and agile. She has a couple scars on the right side of her neck, but besides that she looks very pretty and at times maybe even adorable. She has green eyes to go with her red hair which she always has flowing, never fixed up in anyway besides a rinse out if she can and rarely with some hair cleansers. She keeps a smile on her face as best as she can, even in the worst situations. Strangely enough, calm in bad situations. Name: Rebecca S. Landisan Age: 17 years of age Skills: She is Intelligent and Calm. She can hack into most devices and security, she can try to plan out her next moves and tries to be a team leader, at least for her and her comrade. She doesn’t try to get into a fight unless she can talk her way out, and is the means of gaining certain resources others can’t. She isn’t the one there, nobody sees her face at the scene of the crime. Thus she isn’t suspected of the crime, allowing her to be the “Provider” when it comes to buying food, materials or anything needed. Bio/History: “Well let me start, my name is Rebecca. I am right now, seventeen years old. My past wasn’t like others, I wasn’t bullied as much as forgotten. I didn’t have drunk parents, they were strict but they were family. I was an electronic’s girl, people said I was destined to be a huge thing in the electronics department for whatever I got into. My teachers said I was destined for great things. Guess they never saw the Serpents making house next to the City. The moment they came in, everything went downhill. My family started to struggle with being able to afford food and such with what the Serpents demanded, later on they even gave me up as a way to pay them. I didn’t expect that kind of betrayal, I can understand… but it’s like they didn’t even give a second thought, I was just gone to them. Couple days later I hear they “Disappeared” anyway, typical.” *Rebecca, at the time of being eight years of age, was a quiet girl. Could never get into groups or make friends, others just left her alone. Never paid her heed. When the Serpents came into the fray, the city went into a depressed state. Entire families having trouble paying them for the “Protection” money they demanded, some having to sell off much of their lives. Others “Disappearing” like Rebecca’s family* “I had to suck it up and be tough, if I wasn’t… then I wouldn’t have found out how to be useful. If I wasn’t useful, I was a waste and could have ended up several ways. Which I didn’t like, any of them. But thankfully before my family handed me over, I learned alot about hacking. I was going to use it to try to help them, but I was late it seems. Now I had to show I was a good hacker for the gang I was forced into. Had to do alot of bad things to help them, alot I regret at times. But we can’t take back the past now can we? Just look to the future. Well, my future wasn’t going to be hurting an Orphanage. That was where I drew the line, I denied and I made sure they failed. But it meant me being useless. They dragged my sorry butt out and were getting me ready for my death, but I met this guy there. After some talking and seeing what he was… I thought we could help each other. He told me he didn’t like it there, so it works out? Right?” *Rebecca aided the gang for about six years of her life, forced to help in hurting people. She didn’t like it, but didn't have a choice in the matter for her own safety. As time went by during those years, she has found ways to try to bring down the gang slowly from the inside. But once a certain task was given to her, the orphanage, her refusal marked her as a liability. After the group failed that was tasked, she was immediately taken away and sentenced to an “execution” of sorts* “After some talking and a few days. I was able to convince him, thought I wasn’t going to be able to for a while there. But I guess he hated it as much as I did. So we went through with my plan. He killed a pair of guards infront of me that were going to take me away. I saw his only showing eye at the moment… there was just coldness there… no feeling… I tossed it to the side quickly after he cut me loose, we had to work fast if we wanted to get ahead. Well he were ahead a bit, before the alarms went off, then it was a bad time. Lucky he had my back the entire time, I just heard screams behind me. After I open a door I look back to see a couple bodies that were next to where we were, I didn’t think he was a guy that could kill easily. I saw a couple that were out cold, so maybe he isn’t just some cold, blooded murderer. But the fact was, it was them or us. True. So we continued till we hit a small error in the plan, a small vent. He didn’t trust me to go through, guess he thought I was going to leave him behind. But he was a guy that was helping me escape. I said screw it, I went through. And to his surprise and my own safety, I opened the door so he can get out. And we ran, we ran and ran and ran as fast as we could away from that place. And then once I was outside… I don’t know, I didn’t trust anyone else for some reason. I mean the police and military and people didn’t try anything to break us out… well they tried but quickly backed off. But they didn’t wanna save us or even stop them. So you know what I did? I stuck by the guy that didn’t back down behind my back, and ya we made a good team… after everything and the time we’ve been together… I’m happy to have him guarding my back…”[/hider] I hope this works, if not then I'll at least try to fix it. Good to be back. Let me know anything needs changed ok Katherin?