[quote=@Archmage MC] Yeah, DC is sorta... boring without the DCAU. DC comics are sorta... bad. Well comics in general are bad, but thats beside the point. Reboots piss fans off, but are needed to get new people into them, and even then if someone new doesn't jump in fast, they gotta spend 30+ dollars to catch up. Shows take less effort to absorb, and even then seasons allow you some places to jump in. [/quote] Yeah, comics in general are bad, particularly now that there is this huge pressure from above for them to sell. DC has gone pretty ballistic with forcing their own artists and writers to produce things at crazy rates and doing things like getting them to redo half of a comic a couple of hours before the deadline. At least Grant Morrison is still prepared to work with them, he's easily one of the best comic books writers working today. I'm honestly more turned off by the recent Marvel writing from people like Bendis, who seems to just write down a bunch of sad memes and second rate jokes and then call it a comic. Or Slott who... well, I don't even want to relive the whole 'Doctor Octopus is Spiderman' thing, or the level of cringe that was present in pretty much every issue. Oh well. At least there are still good webcomics out there. [quote=@Crossfire] 2 questions: 1) is this still accepting? 2) Is there a Punisher already? And if not, would you allow a cross between the Punisher and a symbiote like Venom/Carnage (unless they're taken as well)? [/quote] 1) Yes this is still accepting. 2) There is currently no Punisher and there are currently no symbiote users. Combinations are not really allowed, I think, but as this is supposed to be simply taking the powerset of a particular her and putting a new spin on them, why not simply have Frank Castle be the man who bonded with Carnage or Venom? That way you can still have the idea of butchering criminal scum but also get super powers. Watch out for the Sentry though, he's got a track record.