Lucas was a little surprised by her reaction, but not very. Psychics were indeed a very interesting but pretty controversial topic. Lucas craned his neck and peered around the room and tried to listen to the conversations among the other pairs of students, and although he obviously didn't hear everything, there wasn't anything about psychics being discussed. Lucas turned back to Alice and shrugged. “I think we're the only group with the topic,” he deduced. In his own opinion, he didn't really want to switch. As far as everyone else was concerned, Lucas was completely normal. Sure the topic was a bit disputed, but it still intrigued him greatly, mostly due to the fact that he was one himself. He actually never had done any kind of research on the topic before. It's not that he was trying to convince himself that he wasn't a psychic or anything, but the idea just never occurred to him. He wondered what kinds of things he would discover about himself. The idea both excited and scared him. “I dunno Alice, why don't we keep it?” he suggested with a reassuring smile. “I mean, it's a pretty cool topic, don't you think? These people are, like, modern-day superheroes, straight out of the comic books.”