Nightscream's visor snapped up to it's retracted position as her bright white optics curiously scanned Turbulence's inner mechanics. How very interesting! Then again, and autobot [i]flyer[/i] was a rarity in on itself. Something like this she really should have expected. "I wish most of my specime- I mean, patients were this cooperative. This will certainly ease things up." the ex-con nodded, and one of her shoulder pods deployed the weapon hidden inside. The null-ray blaster was humming warmly and tubes of coolant fluid sizzled along its barrel and firing chamber. Slowly the hum quieted down as Nightscream lowered its output to the minimum before carefully targeting Turbulence's damaged motor and letting loose a short burst... Which promptly put him out cold. Ups. Ten minutes later he would be jolted awake by a small electric shock. "Yeah, sorry. I did not realize that when your armor retracted the blast would spread much easier. Figured why waste the time and went ahead with the repair. I recommend testing the engine on the ground first - if it holds up for half an hour you can go airborne, otherwise it would need replacement." Nightscream said, her tone somewhat apologetic, although less than would be proper. "Fuel up and go find Prism, I'll take a closer look at her memory. I may be at least able to stop her problem from deteriorating even though I can't fix the damage already done after all." the seeker said as she set down an energon cube.