[@DestinyStar] * Rest assured that my Axel's a fine tuned one. I've been using him in a number of RPs. In of his RP life, he was once a fire demon (who's actually aloof and whiny when things don't go his way). :) * Once the RP is up and running, you'll find that I'm probably the last one to quit. I'm one of those people who get obsessed with things and won't leave the room unless forced. :P [@AirBender] I was going to say Riku x Kairi, but then I remembered we're talking about Organisation XIII here. Read below to find out more about my indecisive fangirl mind. :) [color=fff200][b]For those interested in an Axel pairing - [/b][/color] * Hmm... Axel x Kairi - I'd be up for that I think... or even Axel x Larxene. I've only seen the KH:CoM scenes where Larxene flirts * with him, and it's quite cute. So that pairing's also possible. * At the start of the RP, Axel will be a loner. He'll gravitate more towards females than males, but if anyone wants their guy to pair up with him, just send some vibes his way and he'll be flustered. When it comes to MxM, I think he's seme (in PMs of course). * If I had to pick one, I'll go for Axel x Demy because Demy's so naively cute. Plus it'll be fun to see fire and water together. tl;dr - Axel's up for anything! [color=fff200][b]A bit about myself[/b][/color] * I'm located in Australia, so my timezone is inverted when compared to the US. Day = night and night = day. A few hours before this is usually my posting time. Other times you see me online are when I can just login and read posts, but not respond. * I've only played KH1 and KH2. Currently going through KH:CoM, but at a very slow rate. Hope that's not a problem. I've spoilered myself and saw the online movie for 358/2 * I waffle :P [color=fff200][b]Questions[/b][/color] One thing I've always wondered about though. Older Kairi's outfit, the bottom part - is it a dress or something like shorts? [color=fff200][b]I bring a piccy![/b][/color] [img]http://imalbum.aufeminin.com/album/D20061207/243581_JA5WDZQ2EOGYVRPTMY82LBS3WH36ZD_5795306p1ev1_H174559_L.jpg[/img]