[@Lord Zee] [center][img]https://hispersonal.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/fantasy_maltese_blue_tiger.jpg[/img][/center] The wind came still. The birds stopped singing. It was as if the nature itself held its breath as [i]she[/i] approached. The worms squirmed out of her path, as they could feel [i]her[/i] anxiety. Her anger. The fool! He thought he knew the Earth was dying? Blasphemy, he knew no such thing! Not like she - who could feel her own essence dimming with every place that was lost to the void. Hiraga was making her way to where she heard the center of the current commotion was - one of the youngligs thought he could save this world. But it was she who kept it from deteriorating much further, at a high price to herself. She erected mountains around the places that were lost and summoned permanent storms over them to prevent those unlucky enough to be blessed with wings form disappearing into oblivion by accident. The Third wanted to be thee first. She would listen, she was willing to do that much. In her wisdom, Hiraga herself didn't have a solution to the problem. Well, that wasn't entirely true. If the breakup didn't stop, she would eventually come to fulfill her ultimate destiny - to wreck this world, so a new one may rise from her own power. But until then, she will do what she could to save this one, and if by some chance this human knew the answer... Curse Amare, the young fool! Who was he to think himself wiser than his elder siblings! And the miserable idiot had to banish everyone to [i]her realm[/i]! She should have ended him when that happened! And Amos, the pathetic fool! Even though Hiraga knew he was made into the monster he was, still, he should have retaliated against the youngest of the twelve as was just, not the humans! Hiraga's angered, frustrated roar made the ground tremble. In the world of the immortal, Hiraga was the only one dying a slow and painful death. She could be excused for wanting to tear those responsible apart. Now a former human wanted to try who knew what in order to try and mend the damage, seemingly uninterested in what would happen if whatever he tried backfired. So before she would permit to meddle with the existence of her realm itself, she would talk to him. [i]Alone.[/i] Slowing her rush as she approached her destination, she shifted into the form of a small girl, no more than ten years old, and walked though the streets. There he was. [i]Benjamin Crowley. Let us hear what you propose.[/i] She walked closer, a spring in her step - she was a small child, after all. "Hi~!" She greeted, giving Ben a wave, "Are you the guy who will save the world?"