[@kingkonrad] She [i]can[/i] be feminine, but you're correct there. She won't be appearing on a fashion magazine anytime soon. She's much more a, "Kick in the door, interrogate the fuckers." Type than the "Knock twice and talk nicely" type. Good to know her personality comes through though, I want to avoid just playing a female version of the usual FPS game gritty 30 something guy with short cropped hair and unshaven stubble >.> She does have boobs though! Generally she binds 'em down for action, but during downtime... She's packing some assets. I will admit I keep expecting Merlin to light a cigarette and monologue about something in a gravelly voice about something from his past. His image just gives me that vibe >.> I didn't actually pick up on the voodoo bit, but now I can't help but imagine him burning incense and eating a doberge cake, b/c N'awlins. The rest of his personality I got though, it comes through very clear. He's quite interesting. I look forward to teasing him incessantly~