[right][h3][color=00a651][i]Maddie Tyler, Archon of Earth[/i][/color][/h3][hider=Status][b]Location:[/b] [i]Maddie's room[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Interacting with[/i] [b]her guide & herself[/b][hider=Description] Maddie is approx 5’ 9” and around 125 lbs[hider=Maddie][img]http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f94/akasha_sxe/tumblr_nnumb1bcs11upicr7o4_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [/hider][/right] [hr] Maddie startled awake and shot up in her bed, her head screaming in pain. "Oh my god!" she roared. "What the hell Eridanus?!" She clasped her hands on the sides of her head, hoping the pressure would relieve the sharpness that pierced her. [color=00a651]"I've been trying to wake you up for some time now. You're [i]impossible[/i]."[/color] He hissed back. [color=00a651]"You need to get started on your training. You're lazy and will be behind the others if you don't get started now!"[/color] He was nearly shouting, causing the pain in Maddie's head to multiply. She rolled off the bed into a standing position. "Goddamn it, I'm up now! Will you stop?" She pulled her hair up into a ponytail, unable to find her hairbrush in the dark room. Hearing her inner thoughts, Eridanus lifted the lighting in the room. Maddie blinked rapidly, not yet accustomed to the glow. [color=00a651]"Take your necklace off and put it in your hand."[/color] Eridanus bit out sharply. "Well, you're clearly relentless. No more naps for Maddie." She said, unclasping the emerald and grabbing ahold of the gem. "Wait, why aren't we doing this in the training room?" [color=00a651]"Others are using it currently. Besides, I think this is a better place for you to connect to your element. We both know that being in nature isn't exactly your forte."[/color] Maddie cocked her eyebrow but said nothing. [color=00a651]"Now, surround yourself again. The sights, the smells. You've done it before and you can do it again. Focus."[/color] Like before, the gem shifted in her hand, elongating into a bow with a quiver and arrows. Maddie tilted it in her hand, feeling where the bow balanced. She strapped the quiver on and held the weapon up, drawing it back to rest at her face. It was as if her body instinctively knew what to do. "Wow," she said, continuing to hold the bow drawn. "This feels so...natural." [color=00a651]"Once you've had enough practice, it won't feel like anything at all. It will be such a part of you that you won't even notice it's there."[/color] That was a little hard for Maddie to believe. Afterall, she could use weapon for a hundred years but one this size wasn't something she was just going to forget she had. "So are we going to get started or what?" She asked. The moment the words were out, darkness dropped around her and the walls fell away. A dense fog rolled in and coated the [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aiAmAcaDQrM/maxresdefault.jpg]scene[/url] in front of her. "This is amazing" she whispered. [color=00a651]"This is a simulation. You can shoot at anything that moves,"[/color] Eridanus assured her. [color=00a651]"Right now we need to work on knocking your arrow and releasing. We'll decipher targets later."[/color] Maddie pulled a brilliant green arrow from her quiver and set it, drawing the bow back. She creeped slowly, attempting to remain as quiet as possible. A rustle in the bushes a few hundred feet ahead of her startled her and she shot. She heard Eridanus sigh. [color=00a651]"You're at least going to want to see what is you're aiming at though, dear."[/color] Maddie nodded but didnt say anything. She reached back and grabbed another arrow, noticing that she still had the three she started with. "I have eternal arrows?" she asked with disbelief in her voice. "Looks like I'm the real Legolas of this group." She smirked at her own joke. [color=00a651]"You know,"[/color] Eridanus replied, [color=00a651]"for a model, you're kind of nerdy."[/color] Maddie rolled her eyes and drew her bow again. This time when the bush rustled, she waited. Immediately a small brown rabbit jumped out. She dropped her draw dramatically. "A bunny?! Eridanus! A bunny?! I'm [i]not[/i] shooting a bunny! That's [i]Bambi's best friend![/i] I [i]am[/i] a vegetarian! How do you not know this!?" Her shrieking had reached a level that made her own ears uncomfortable. [color=00a651]"My god woman, desist. I'll change it. No more bunnies."[/color] Eridanus stopped the simulation, changing the rabbit before her into a robotic looking machine with wheels. [color=00a651]"Happy?"[/color] he asked. Maddie drew the bow back and shot, hitting the center of the red target Eridanus had conveniently painted in the middle of the vehicle. A second and third robot emerged from nearby hiding places. "Happy." Maddie replied, drawing back her bow and shooting again.