"Shield. Left arm." That's the one word that slipped from Yuu's lips, as she descended the MAS, before leaving the somewhat minor repairs to the rest of the engineers towards the gathering between the rest of the 7th, only freezing in her steps for a few moments, as she beheld the sight of Gerard's Marauder. The sheer damage done to that machine was almost depressing, the lack of weaponry giving the Japanese woman a feeling of desolation. "...poor thing..." Muttering words of condolences to the machine of war, Yuuyami quickly hurried along to the gathering. While listening in to McKnight's plans, Yuu glanced towards her's and Gerard's MAS when their part of the plan was given. Their responsibility was to be the retrieval party, escorting the marines planetside to pick up their downed pilots, while the MAS themselves are going to be recovered by the two heaviest MAS of the 7th. However, looking over at the damages both their MAS has sustained, especially the Marauder, it would be problematic to meet heavy resistance planetside. From the looks of her MAS, it seem that the left arm most would require more time to finish repairing to operate at full capacity. At least the shield was more cheaply replaced, being a slab of metal and all. "Deliberate purge, kinetic projectile..." Once again muttering, although if anyone understood what she meant, the engineers would have a fit. Luckily the rest were too busy to overhear her words, as she quickly ran towards her MAS to sortie. The arm was only partially repaired, just a few servos changed out, and metal plating bolted over it all. Sending her thanks as a quick hug to the head engineer, Yuu scaled her MAS, before dropping down into her seat. Opening her other eye, she connected with the machine of war, before immediately scanning over the arm. As she expected, the arm wouldn't be capable of using it's full range of movement, although it was sufficient to move the shield from her side to her front, albeit somewhat delayed. "Transfer load from Servos 3 and Servo 7 to the rest." While that was only a stop gap measure, it should suffice in preventing the arm from breaking down with more wild movements. "Soveriegn, online. Echo, standing by for clearance." [hr] Blasting out of the hangar, Yuu quickly scanned the surroundings. The experimental MAS that had rendered the Marauder unarmed, and also teared through her shield, was no where in sight. Probably for the better, although she really, really wanted to take that machine apart for research. Hearing McKnight's order to drop into the atmosphere, Yuu engaged her thruster. However, she was lightly biting her lip in anxiety. Shifting her eye over to anther screen, the statistics of the thrust pack bolted onto her MAS. Unlike the rest, her MAS had the difficulty of weight. She would most likely have to purge components on the return trip. this brought a grimace onto her face, as she imagined the head engineer scolding her for such an act.