[color=00aeef]6[/color] “I swear if you do that one more - GET OUT OF THERE!” There was a crash and a bundle of grey streaked past the amused captain’s face as he poked his head up the ladder-well the next evening. “[color=00a651]Problems, Rei?[/color]” The lavender-eyed man glared at him. “Dude, your cat was in the milk again.” Tal climbed up onto the mid-deck and walked over to Rei and leaned against the counter. “[color=00a651]She doesn’t like milk, Rei. She likes you. Have you been ignoring her recently?[/color]” “I don’t think I have.” Rei debated whether to finish his bowl of cereal. After a moment he shrugged and continued eating. “She’s got relatively clean paws, right?” “[color=00a651]That depends on how clean you’ve kept the floors.[/color]” Tal walked over to the fridge and looked in. “[color=00a651]Is it dinner time or snack time? Why’re we eating?[/color]” “Snack time.” Rei chewed thoughtfully for a moment and swallowed. “You going back to Owen’s?” “[color=00a651]Did you clean the room?[/color]” “Yes.” “[color=00a651]Then, yes. I’m going back to Owen’s.[/color]” Tal took out a microwaveable meal and popped it into the microwave. “[color=00a651]I told that guy I’d be back to hear an answer.[/color]” Rei spotted the grey bundle of fur slinking back towards the counter. He sighed and patted the countertop. “Come here, Dee.” Dee’s ears pricked forward. She scurried over and leaped to the countertop. Rei ruffled her fur, effectively causing the cat to melt against the counter with happiness. “Did you tell the guy that you had a cat? What if they’re allergic to her?” Tal munched his microwave meal thoughtfully. “[color=00a651]Then it will be a very short trip for them.[/color]” He finished up his meal and rinsed out the case. Then he carefully disposed of the case. He grabbed his jacket from the small closet by the back elevator and pulled it on. He checked on the concealed weapon at his hip, making sure it was secure and within ready reach. Then he pressed the call button for the elevator. “[color=00a651]All right. I’ll be back in a bit.[/color]” Rei stood up and walked to the hallway so he could see Tal. “Hey, uh… What if they decide to come tonight? D’you think they’ll arrive tonight?” “[color=00a651]They might. Would there be a problem, if they did?[/color]” Tal stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the lower level. He held Rei’s gaze with an expression of amusement as the doors closed. “Uh… No. No, not at all.” Rei waved his hand dismissively and walked back to his bowl of cereal. He raised an eyebrow at the grey paw that was dipping into the leftover milk. He waited a moment. The cat licked her paw, tasting the sweet milk, and then settled on the counter in a loaf position, turning her head to look at Rei. She meowed at him for attention, dark tail tip twitching. The man ran his fingers through his chestnut brown hair and shook his head, smiling. “Come on, Dee. We’d better finish up cleaning.” He cleaned up his bowl, putting it in the dishwasher. Then he scooped up Dee and made his way back to the lower deck. ———————————————— Owen raised an eyebrow at the two that came shuffling into his shop just an hour before Lotus's shift. He scratched his cheek and looked between the two. “Let me let him know, then. I’m sure he’ll be pleased.” He picked up his communicator. “Hey, it’s Owen. I got some news for you. You - Oh. Really? All right.” He set the communicator down and leaned on the counter. “He’s on his way already.” Tal walked through the door a moment later. He lifted his cap in greeting. “[color=00a651]Hello, folks. What’s the news?[/color]” He spotted the two men standing on the other side of the counter. “[color=00a651]Good news, I hope.[/color]”