[center][img]http://cdnstatic.visualizeus.com/thumbs/dc/e6/girl,cigarette-dce6fd0d511472e197ce128754c29b68_h.jpg[/img][/center] Rumours were such lovely things. They were often so innocent and light, yet tinged with a poison that spread like wildfire. It was so easy to tease these rumours from people; coax the information out of them to make them seem as if they wanted to spread it in the first place. There was little that Lovinia did not know about the affairs of the mortals. Her time on earth had proven to be boring and repetitive, especially with the same mundane characters that seemed to be everywhere she turned. Keeping up with the everyday gossip was something that added a spark of excitement in the Goddess' new life. In never ceased to amaze her that these humans continued to keep up with these petty feuds and pointless drama even with the end of their beloved world looming. But, the childish nature of the mortals did have its perks. Rumours had brought her out into the middle of nowhere. Rumours had led her to where she was standing in this very moment. Word had spread that a man had the key to 'saving' the future of the earth. When she had first heard of it, the woman had snorted and dismissed such blasphemy. A human? Saving the world? Nonsense. But as she heard more and more of this so-called saviour, her curiosity began to grow. Maybe, just maybe, it was possible. Such thinking had sparked a tiny flame in Lovinia's heart that she hadn't felt the heat from in a long time. Hope. The figure standing in the shadows of an alleyway looked anything but hopeful, the darkness concealing her like a protective blanket as she leaned lazily against the brick wall. The only source of light surrounding her was a dull red glow centring around her face, the glow was something that made many look twice as they passed, a familiarity long-since forgotten. The cigarette perched precariously on her bottom lip was a luxury few could afford in times such as these. She had managed to acquire four full packets somehow, and, considering she couldn't die, had decided to make use of them. Thin whispers of smoke spiralled in the air around her, filling the atmosphere with the musky scent of tobacco. As the commotion surrounding her grew, Lovinia's interest piqued and she pushed herself up into a graceful, loping walk. There was something about this day that stirred inside of her, but she pushed it down along with the rest of her emotions. It was a trick she had been forced to learn long before now, to stop the crushing pain that knocked the breath out of her everytime she thought of her family. Her losses. A high voice snapped Lov's head to the side, her eyes landing on a man with a young girl. There he was. The man himself. Staying back from the huddle of people forming, she took a long drag of her cigarette before flicking it on the ground, an amused smirk playing at her lips. She had to admit, he was quite handsome for a mortal, and there was a sense of power and order to him that seemed to be reassuring to the other humans, yet she still failed to see how this mere mortal could put a stop to [i]anything [/i]this vast.